Chapter 9: Friends

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You're walking out of the cafeteria when you see an odd scene in the hallway. To your left is Chrissy Cunningham, on the verge of tears. To your right are 3 other cheerleaders. "What happened to the girl who used to beg us to play Barbies at my house?" one of the cheerleaders says. Chrissy looks away and you walk over to her. "Just let it go (Y/N)." Chrissy whispers. Everyone was telling you that today. You turn back to the cheerleaders. "She grew up and started playing with boys instead." you say. It was a dig to the cheerleaders and Chrissy. You walk down the hall to Chem. Stupid cheerleaders.

(Time skip)

You're walking out of the school when you see someone familiar leaning against his car in the parking lot. Famously beautiful brown hair, brown eyes, and the best babysitter ever. "Steve!" you exclaim, running over to him. Steve smiles as you jump on him, wrapping him in a hug. He spins you around and sets you down, both of you smiling. "It's so great to see you (Y/N)! But I'm here for your brother." Steve says. You laugh and wave Dustin over. "I figured. He worships you." you say. Steve smiles and gives you one last hug goodbye. You walk back over to Eddie who jingles his car keys at you. You laugh and the two of you slowly start walking to his van.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Eddie asks. At this question you burst out laughing. "Harrington!? Lord no! He's one of my best friends." you say. "You have more than one?" Eddie asks. "Yeah. Him, Robin, and someone else." you say, nudging him. Eddie smiles and nudges you back. "Right back at ya Henderson." he says. "(Y/N)!" Dustin yells. You turn to see Dustin trying to get you to come over to him and Steve. "I'll be right back. You can start the car. If I'm not back in 5 minutes or less, I'm giving you permission to kidnap me." you say. Eddie laughs and you walk over to Steve and Dustin.

"What?" you ask. "I'm trying to tell Steve that you and Eddie are not together." Dustin says. "BUT HE DOESN'T BELIEVE ME!" he shouts, exasperatedly. You glance at Steve. "Eddie and I are just friends." Saying this out loud feels different than thinking it. Your heart drops slightly but you try to shake the feeling away. "Well I don't think that's right!" Steve insists. "Friends just don't look at friends the way that Eddie looks at you." he says. His words stick to you and you walk away, back to Eddie's van. Your friend's van. "Hey, you good?" Eddie asks. "Yeah." you say, not looking at him. Eddie about to start driving. You had been going to his house after school instead of the woods. "Would you rather do this in the woods today?" Eddie asks. You shake your head and smile slightly. Eddie smiles back and starts to drive. Maniac.

You arrive at Eddie's trailer and hop out before he can open your door. Eddie opens the door of his trailer and you both walk inside. "Now, the rules are simple. Don't endanger yourself, don't hurt yourself, don't die, don't faint, don't have nightmares." Eddie says. You laugh and grab his hand. "I won't." you say, smiling. You pull him down the hallway to his room and you two sit on the floor, leaning against his bed. Eddie turns his head to you and leans toward you. "Actually, Eddie. I was hoping to talk to you first."

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