Chapter 10: Eddie and (Y/N)

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Eddie is staring at you, standing in the center of his room, with a concerned look in his eyes. "It's not a bad thing." you say, reassuring him and taking a half step back. "It's just, something Steve said had me thinking." you trail off, not sure how to say it. Eddie stands up and walks over to you. "If it not a bad thing, (Y/N), then why are you so scared to say it?" Eddie asks. If only he knew. You feel your heart rate pick up. Maybe you should've talked to him after, when you're more relaxed. "Shit." you mutter. You grab the collar of Eddie's denim vest over leather jacket combo and pull him to you. Your lips connects with his and you kiss him. Eddie wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you back. You both pull away from the kiss and lean your foreheads against each other's. "I've waiting to do that for a while (Y/N)." Eddie says. He smiles. "It was worth the wait."

(Time skip)

Eddie and you are sitting at the head of the Hellfire Club table, planning the final quest. You had been planning the quests with Eddie and coming to the meetings. You had been subbing for Lucas in most of them and it was fun to be with you boyfriend. "Ok, so for the final journey..." Eddie points at scribbles in a notebook. "You spelled journey wrong." you say, pointing at the paper which read "jorney". Eddie rolls his eyes and grabs a pencil, handing it to you. You carefully erase "jorney" and replace it with "journey". You hand Eddie back the pencil and you keep going over the outline. "Then they leave for the final meeting with us where they get the plot for next year because in this meeting they meet...the queen of Hellfire." Eddie says, smiling at you. You smile back. The last meeting will be a sad one, but an eventful one. Besides, you and Eddie wouldn't be gone forever.

(Time skip)

"(Y/N) Henderson." the principal calls. You walk up on stage as the audience erupts in applause. You're handed your diploma and you shake the principal's hand. You walk off the stage and wave your diploma at Robin as you sit next to her. "We did it." you whisper. Robin smiles and the principle reads off a lot more names. "Eddie Munson." Everyone starts to cheer but you're clapping the loudest by far. Eddie grabs his diploma and just as he's about to walk off the stage he flips the principle off. He sprints off the stage and and grabs your hand, pulling you with him. You're both sprinting to the parking lot and you hop into his van. You both quickly toss your diplomas, gowns, and caps in the back seat. Eddie pulls out of the school parking lot, still driving like a maniac. Eddie takes your hand and kisses it gently.

But he's my maniac.

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