chapter 6:stopping a heist.

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3rd pov:
Lorenzo could be seen sitting on a roof, as he took a bite out of a chocolate bar, team rwby were in pairs of two and in different locations near the dock.

Lorenzo was working with sun who was currently eating a banana muffin that Lorenzo had made for the monkey faunus.

Lorenzo:"hey sun?" The blond looked at lorenzo. "If sperm makes babies and it is found in testicles, then ball really is life." Sun coughed while almost choking on the muffin that he had just taken a bite out of.

Sun:"well that was slightly unexpected, also please don't ever say ball is life while having the most serious face possible." He took a sip of the coffee beside him. "I'd rather not see our maker this early in my life." Lorenzo chuckled before going quiet as some bullhead flew over the pair.

The two watched as a red haired bull faunus told his fellow faunus to hurry. Sun and Lorenzo got ready, as lorenzo summoned a sword into his hand.

Sun:"i recognize him, he's known as Adam Taurus. He was considered a traitor to the white fang for being an extremist." Sun looked nervous. "That guy has killed countless humans and faunus a like." sun pulled out his weapons. "But tonight that's gonna change- wait what are you doing!"

Lorenzo:"tell the girls to get ready." He grinned "I'm gonna have a fight with that bull faunus." He jumped down and did a drop kick, as the bull faunus looked up to late only to be slammed into the ground.

Adam got up, as he glared at Lorenzo who only grinned back at the bull. Fhe faunus pulled out his katana and charged at lorenzo. Adams subordinates were about to help but they were blocked by team rwby and sun.

Adam:"you brat come here!" He started attacking Lorenzo who dodged his attacks while also countering them. "I will not allow you to take away all that I've worked for." Lorenzo and Adams blades clashed against each other.

Lorenzo:"come on! I'm disappointed if this is all the strength you can produce then I'm truly disappointed." Adam let out a growl and continued his onslaught of slashes and strikes and the white haired boy who responded with takes of his own. Lorenzo started to notice that Adam was getting faster and stronger the more their weapons clashed. Lorenzo grinned kicking the faunus far from him and no where near any explosives.

Lorenzo:"your semblance..I've figured it out, the more I attack you the more damage you absorb and transfer it into your own strength quite a powerful semblance I'll give you that, but-" Lorenzo swords disappeared, as he held a black bow in his hands while he nocked a sword that looked like a drill "every semblance has their limits."

Adam:"tck I'll make sure to kill you with this strike you damned human!" Lorenzo grinned while red electricity sparked off of the white haired demon and the same could be said for Adam.

Lorenzo:"i am the hatred of humanity given mortal form" red electricity sparked off of him, as the air grew still as if it was holding it's breath. "My core is twisted in madness so I shall show you this fake rainbows true colors."  He grinned, but he made sure that noble phantasm didn't destroy the entirety of the docks so he made it  into an almost C-rank noble phantasm. "So fly, caladbolg!" The sword flew towards Adam who had already sent a slice made out of aura, but even then it wasn't enough. The slice of energy shattered and the twisted sword forged onward making contact with Adam who never stood a chance. The corrupted white fang members had been captured while team rwby along with sun watched in awe at Lorenzo's attack. Once the smoke cleared.

Adam could be seen standing but there was something missing, his arm was gone and his aura was shattered, but before Lorenzo could approach him and tie him up three bullhead came out of no where firing upon the group of beacon students. Lorenzo looked at it in annoyance noticing a green haired girl and a silver haired male pick up Adam and drag him on to the bullhead. Lorenzo sighed in annoyance, but he noticed the law enforcement arriving.

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