Chapter 1

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A/N: All aboard the feels train! Iason and Riki don't die in this spin-off story, so if you prefer that the original ending stays that way, this isn't for you. The OVA versions from 1992 left out some important things, so be warned that this story is based on the original light novels written by Yoshihara-sensei. This was sort of inspired by Kira Takenouchi's "Taming Riki", so if you've read volume one of that by digging around the Ai No Kusabi section of the internet, you know what to expect. 

"Shit!" Riki runs toward the darkened entrance, stumbling from the unsteady ground and the immense pain between his legs. He needed to make it back inside before the whole structure blew apart. Damnit, Guy! Why'd you set all those explosives?

Riki felt his way through the tunnels of the base he had escaped from just minutes ago. Iason. I need to find Iason. Fire burned everywhere, and Riki was close to passing out when he found his target. Even in death, Iason was beautiful. He turned his head around from his sitting position, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Riki..." Iason thought he was dreaming as Riki made his way across the burning room to sit by his side.

"Thought you might be lonely." Riki said softly, and Iason felt something immensely heavy on his chest. Is this love? Do you love me Riki? Is that why you came back? Pleasure filled Iason at the thought that Riki came back just for him. Riki had come back this time to Iason's side of his own free will.

Iason smiled as Riki handed him a cigarette. Riki touched the end of his own cigarette to Iason's, and Iason wished deeply that he could hold Riki one more time. He wanted to feel Riki writhe in pleasure in his arms. He put an arm around his pet, watching as Riki lost consciousness. A tear rolled down his cheek, and he knew that he didn't want Riki to die. Riki. Riki. Pet, wake up. Iason sat conscious as the base rumbled and threatened to blow any second; his blondie genetics would not allow the cigarette's effects to take control of his body.
Iason closed his eyes, fighting back the pain in the lower half of his body. His severed thighs hurt like hell, but he didn't want to alarm Riki, so he sat unmoving and silent. Well, he couldn't move much anyway. Just as he lay his chin in Riki's soft dark hair, he felt a mental connection with Jupiter come on.

Jupiter? Are you there? Iason cast forward his thoughts as if he would when conversing with his creator, but no reply came. Perhaps, Iason thought, I am just hallucinating. But, Iason thought wrong. Suddenly, he felt a cold tingle in his legs. He looked down and even gasped a little. His legs were reforming right before his eyes! Holy Jupiter. Iason reached down to feel if they were real, and they were. He jumps to his feet, pulling Riki into his arms bridal-style. Thank you Jupiter! Iason rushed out of the tunnel from which Riki came earlier. Hang in there, pet. We're almost safe! Iason burst out of the darkness of Dana Bahn and into the cold night air on wobbly legs. Just in time, too. Right as Iason escaped, the base exploded up in flames.

Iason lay Riki on the floor and nearly collapsed. It was unbelievably hard to move on his recreated legs. Iason stood bent over in a sweat and panting heavily. In his condition, he wouldn't be able to make it with Riki to a hospital in time before the poison kills him. Iason sat down beside Riki and held his hand, stroking his palm softly between his fingers.
Fate is ironically cruel, Iason thought, to let us escape but die here, right outside. He smirked slightly, moving his hand to stroke Riki's dark hair. You cause the most complicated troubles for me, Pet. Now I have to find another way to be with you.

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