Chapter 7

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"Iason." Raoul calls a second time, finally prompting a reaction.

"Oh. Raoul. It's a good thing you're here." Iason looked up wearily. Raoul had never seen such an expression on any blondie's face, much less with the gracious leader of Tanagura. "I need you to watch over Riki while I sort out a few slight issues with Katze."

Raoul stared long and hard at the redhead, wondering what those issues could possibly be, and why they were on a first name basis. To save himself more struggling with inner Raoul, he decided on the possibility that something came up in the black market during the time both Iason and Katze were gone.

Seeing Iason's completely exhausted expression mix with his determination to save Riki, Raoul reluctantly agreed. Perhaps their friendship will soon turn into something else if Iason sees that Raoul can be accepting of mongrels as well.

Iason turned and strutted out the door with Katze on his heels in his Iason-like manner. Raoul's eyes inconspicuously landed on and followed his ass. Soft and firm, Inner Raoul noted.

Sitting right beside the Mongrel was unnerving to say the least. He didn't know what to do. He said he would take care of Riki, and he would. But it was just so strange for Raoul to be so close to the pet and not be fighting him to death.

While Raoul sat in awkward silence immersed in his thoughts, Riki awoke. The first thing Riki saw when he forced his heavy-as-shit eyelids open was a fuzzy looking form with blond hair. Assuming it was Iason, Riki automatically sat up and crawled into the lap of the blond figure.

"Iason..." He mumbled groggily and planted a sloppy kiss on Raoul's lips.
Being one the receiving end of this action, Raoul was completely baffled. Iason's mongrel was kissing him! Riki, the most disgusting thing to ever be called a pet was kissing him, one of the highest ranking blondies of all Amoi!

And holy Jupiter it felt good! Raoul felt the kiss pull an involuntary sound from within the depths of his throat. Perhaps that was the one thing that alerted Riki that he was sitting on the wrong person. His eyes snapped open as if all the sleep he was getting suddenly fled in terror. Riki pulled back, breaking the kiss, and managed to sputter out one word.

"Shit." Riki tried to hop off Raoul's lap and make a run for it, but all blondies had an iron grip and Raoul wasn't hesitant to put his genetically modified strength to use.

"What do you think you're doing, pet?" Raoul asked.

"Let me go, asshole!" Riki continued to squirm around on Raoul's lap and it was making him hard. He needed this conversation to get to the point very quickly before the mongrel noticed anything.

"Why did you assault me?"

"Assault you? What do I look like to you, a rapist? It was just a fucking kiss."

"Why did you do it?"

"I thought you were Iason, okay? All you blondie bastards look the same from far away." Riki would never admit that he knew exactly how Iason's face was shaped. Iason's hair was a few shades lighter than everyone else's. The way he walks, talks, and just simply holds himself is enough for Riki to recognize him from a mile away.

In a group of blondies, Iason was always the center of attention. Nothing started or ended without him, and sometimes, Riki felt just the slight bit of pride in having the attention of the most beautiful blondie in the room focused solely on him. Perhaps Riki was a little mentally ill, but he no longer felt disgust thinking about Iason. He had long come to terms with his feelings for the asshole. Making the decision between staying alive with Guy and dying with Iason was the toughest thing Riki has been through. He didn't feel any regret choosing his fate in a split second, and he certainly didn't feel any now, waking up in a very familiar place.

"Ahem." Riki turned to see Iason with his legs intact standing in the doorway. Iason was not looking pleased to see his pet in Raoul's lap. Raoul also looked up to see Iason striding towards him. Realizing what was happening, he tried to come up with something.

"Ah. Iason! This isn't what you think it is!"

"Really?" Raoul cringed at Iason's vicious tone. It was clear who Iason thought was at fault. Did he not consider the possibility of Riki initiating contact? Of course not. Everyone knew how much Riki hated him. Maybe Iason thought he was trying to do something to the Mongrel while he was unconscious and Iason was away. Surprised by this sudden turn of events, Raoul froze for a moment. That moment was long enough for Riki to scramble off his lap and run leaping into Iason's arms. Iason hugged Riki tightly while glaring daggers at Raoul. How dare you touch him, his gaze seemed to say.
"What's wrong, my pet?" Iason's tone softened at the arrival of tears from Riki.

"You're... alive!" Riki sniffed.

"Is that such a bad thing?" Riki could cry at hearing the amusement from Iason again. That is, if he wasn't crying already.

"They're happy tears, asshole."

"I love you too." Iason snaked his hands down Riki's back to knead his ass. There was initial resistance at first, but after a few seconds, all Riki could do was cling to Iason. Using his master questioning skills, Iason whispers what he wanted to know this whole conversation.

"What were you and Raoul doing while I was away?"

"Mmm... kissing." Iason narrowed his eyes in Raoul's direction.

"For what reason?"

"I thought he was you." Feeling extremely pleased with his pet's answer, Iason decided to let Raoul off the hook.

"You missed me that much?"

Wiping the rest of his tears on the front of Iason's outfit, Riki replied, "No."

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