Chapter 20

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Iason smirked amusedly as Riki's hand collided with the female pet's face. He knew Riki would not fall for the same cheap exclamations of love and interest from female pets as before, not after the incident with Mimea. It would be forever engraved in Riki's memory no matter how long as passed. Yet, Iason had waited days for this moment. It would be strange to say he waited for his pet to act out of line, but it was the truth. He did not know what to do with Riki now that they have returned. They have both fully physically recovered from the incident at Dana Bahn, but the issue remains that Riki no longer fights him every step of the way. Although he enjoyed the peace and quiet, it was disturbing to no longer sense that flame in his pet: that blazing fire that always demanded he be set free. Iason looked at the amused faces of his brethren and decided it would be enough for now. 

Rea screamed in pain and outrage, "That hurt!". Riki scoffed. He had not meant to attack her, but she deserved it. He would not apologize, not when the torturous vibrations had stopped. It seemed as if the entire world had eyes on him. All the pets nearby shrunk away from him in silence, and Rea started sobbing and wailing loudly. In Riki's opinion, it was a complete overreaction to a slap, yet he supposed that she simply was not used to the public humiliation like he was. Soon, even the masters sitting further away had stopped their quiet conversations, and one person could be heard quickly getting up and rushing over. 

"Master!" Rea hiccuped as she rolled upright and clung to a tall, silver-haired man who dressed in gleaming silver jewelry and a metallic robe. Even his eyes were a stormy silver grey. Riki stared at him for a second, and realized that this man who Rea called master was actually quite attractive. Of course, he could never admit this to Iason, who would throw a childish tantrum in jealousy. 

"Rea! Why are you crying, pet? What happened?" The silver man asked in one of the smoothest voices Riki ever heard, as he bent down to comfort his distraught pet. 

"He...he hit me!" Rea wailed and held a hand to her hurt cheek as she pointed at Riki. 

"How dare you?" He turned on Riki with rage, "How dare you touch my property! Who is your master? They owe me compensation for damaging my pet!" Riki was not about to look anywhere in Iason's direction and subjugate himself to the sight of all his blondie pals laughing, so he stood up and decided to deal with this his own way. 

"She was the one who kept bugging and insulting me. And she isn't really hurt, so I don't owe you anything." Riki replies. 

"But you insulted my master, so you owe him!" Rea demands while still holding her cheek. 

"Owe him what? An apology? I'm sorry I called you a dumbass hunk of meat, Mr. Silver Man." Riki sarcastically replied, but immediately regretted it. It was going well until his rude instincts made it worse. He could see someone moving in the VIP area out of the corner of his eye. 

"How dare you insult me now?" the unnamed master bellowed into the crowd, "And WHO is the master of this untamed filthy beast here? I will report both you and your pet, and have you stripped of your rank!" 

In the VIP section, Aisha snickers and Gideon nearly jumps with glee and excitement. They shared a knowing look; it certainly has been many years since a large event was so delightfully ruined with a fight. Raoul unamusedly stares at the other three smiling faces of his brethren and sighs, rather rudely and loudly in fact. 

"I'm not even going to say anything." Raoul sighs. He was just here to find his lab helper. As Iason has given his word on introducing a promising elite, Raoul decided none of the rest of the drama mattered. He's seen Riki pick fights enough times already to not be surprised at all when it happens. It is simply a little tiring to watch. 

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