Chapter 11

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A/N: This note is really just a warning for anyone who prefers the mature rating to not include smut, but then why click on this? You're reading an AI NO KUSABI fanfiction after all. This chapter is some hardcore Iason x Riki that I know has been long anticipated. If you do not ship Iason and Riki, why did you open this fanfiction about their love story? Chapter 11 makes this story's rating Mature. Sorry, not sorry. Now get reading!

"Put! Me! Down!" Riki protested as he was hoisted over Iason's right shoulder like a young child. Of course, Iason was silent for the duration of the 5 seconds it took him to reach their room. Once at their destination, he ripped away the towel so securely wrapped to hide everything Iason currently wanted to exhibit. Muffling Riki's protests by stuffing the fluffy lavender-scented towel roughly into Riki's loud trap, Iason dropped him on the bed unceremoniously and proceeded to tie his wrists to the bedposts with the ropes lying on the nightstand. Riki kicked furiously before Iason shot him a glare from the corner of his eye, silencing any protests Riki may have had. He tied Riki's legs to the lower bedposts as well, and knelt between them to make sure they stayed apart.

Iason touched one hand, gloved in white, to the soft, creamy insides of Riki's thighs. The twitch that involuntarily traveled through Riki's lower half did not escape Iason's notice. Iason marveled at the suppleness of his pet's skin that he could feel through his gloved fingers. Tracing faded scars with mixed feelings, Iason rubbed Riki's less explored areas semi-erotically. He wondered to himself if he should get take Riki to the Eos Medical Center to get them surgically removed. Perhaps the Pet Academy would be a more discreet place to go. Iason pushed the thought to the back of his mind, anticipating for Riki's opinion later. Iason knew his pet harbored a strong sense of self, as well as the unbreakable pride that he loved to torment, but old wounds from a brush with death brought back indescribably painful memories that Iason would rather shove into a closet.

"Aren't you going to take your clothes off? I'm the only one naked here!" Riki said perhaps a little too loudly for the quiet and intimate mood of the room. Even though Iason first met the mongrel years ago, the fire in Riki's eyes that matched the desire pooling in his master's gut remained as bright an unwavering as always.

"Off or on, it doesn't matter; in the end, your pleasure is always mine," Iason replied and Riki's cheeks tinted with a faint blush as he fell silent remembering their first encounter. "And weren't you the one who chose to wear nothing but a bath towel? You only have yourself to blame."

"Whatever. Just take it off already."

"No need to rush, pet. We have all night." Iason whispered, as he leaned forward to caress Riki's upper half. Watching Iason bend over him to touch sensitive places on his own naked body gave Riki the good version of cold shivers. Staring into his master's crystal blue eyes as he gently ran his gloved hands down Riki's chest only enhanced his pet's sensitive muscles, causing twitches here and there. Riki watched in anxious silence as Iason finally, finally pulls his gloves off. He takes off his gloves, but not the tight bodysuit. Of course. Riki can only imagine what that would feel like, What does an android's arousal feel like anyway?


"What is it, my pet?"

"Do you get hard when we do it?"

"Why would I not? How else would you suppose this," Iason gestured to the two of them, "works?'

"I don't know. Androids are weird." Riki stared off into space until Iason grabbed his attention by untying him. The happy foreplay must be over.

"Are you implying that I am flawed?"

"Yes. No. Just... I don't know how to say it. It's like, we're different. I just wanna know how that works, that's all." Iason motioned for Riki to flip over, and for once, he actually obeyed by positioning himself on all fours. Iason's eyebrows raised a millimeter.

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