Chapter 4

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"Katze. Where is he?" Katze, amused by the sight of Iason's worry-crazed face, nearly laughed. However, because of the dire situation Riki had been in, he refrained from doing so. Simply nodding to Iason, Katze led him through a small maze of hallways to the recovery room Riki was in. Raoul helped Iason past the door and helped him into a chair nearby Riki's bed.
Iason's eyes lit up at the sight of Riki resting. He reached out a hand and gently ran his fingers through Riki's hair, as if he was scared of accidentally hurting his pet with his blondie strength. Seeing this, Raoul sighed. Even when unconscious, the mongrel had Iason Mink eating out of his palm. Raoul stared at the white walls of the room, looking anywhere but at the affectionate couple.
Eventually though, the overly adoring atmosphere radiating from Iason became too much for Raoul to bear, and he had to step out for a moment. Katze seemed to come to the same decision and stood in the hallway opposite of Raoul. Knowing Iason, Katze guessed that they would be leaving very soon to get Riki better care. Katze discreetly eyed the other blondie across from him. Sir Raoul Am was probably the closest friend to Iason out of all the blondies. He is said to be intelligent and very good at what he does. Mind-Fucking others, that is.
However, if he knew Iason, really knew Iason like a close friend should, then he couldn't be very intelligent at all. No sane blondie would follow Iason after learning all his dirty secrets. And after seeing the Dana Bahn accident, Katze was absolutely sure Raoul knows exactly how "involved" Iason is with Riki. Katze pondered his thoughts quite deeply. Maybe he owes Iason a personal debt. Maybe he has something to gain? Is he trying to take Iason's place as Jupiter's favorite? What if Raoul tries to overthrow Iason? What'll happen to me then? He isn't just gonna use someone else's discarded furniture to guard his money, no matter how good I could be. What if he's playing the nice guy to permanently remove Riki? He's a mongrel and way too old for a pet.
Lost in his thoughts, Katze didn't notice his slight staring grow into a full force glare at Raoul. This surprised the blondie. What had he done to deserve such an expression? Katze seemed to have a strange dislike for him, similar to Riki. But with Riki it was understandable. He tried to get rid of the boy many times, but Iason refused to be convinced. Raoul amused himself with the intensity of Katze's eyes. However, he noticed that staring into them had a wierd effect. He was getting hard. What the hell? Raoul covered up his surprise by stretching and shifting his body a bit. How? He is a castrated furniture that used to and still does belong to Iason. Looking at him should not bring me pleasure. He's not even doing anything meant to arouse. He is not attractive, nor one of my pets!
However, Raoul found himself growing harder and more desperate for action. But he could hardly order Katze to get out or start touching himself.
Raoul tried to feign ignorance at the other man in the hall. However, as the minutes ticked by, he found it increasingly difficult to avoid Katze's glare. In the end, Raoul simply stared back. And thus, the only half hour that Raoul Am had ever stayed in a crappy Ceres hospital was spent in a staring contest with Iason's ex-furniture. Technically, the hospital was actually in Midas, but it made no difference to Raoul.
Katze, however, grew anxious as the minutes passed. As Iason's trusted ex-furniture and manager of the black market, he was very wary of others that approach Iason. However, his assumptions were mislead; Raoul never intended to harm Iason in any way. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Raoul had tried and failed many times to gain intimacy with Iason, and became extremely jealous when Iason's interest was directed at the mongrel instead. Still, Katze had no way of knowing that, and neither would Raoul ever admit to it.

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