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I can't believe I get to say this but this story is officially complete! It's taken five years, but I've done it! To all of those that stuck by it for so long and continued to leave lovely, encouraging comments- thank you, thank you, thank you!

I thought I would add a little footnote about the Granger-Malfoy children because in my mind there's so much more to them than what I could put into the actual story.

Julian Cisco- Julian felt like a very Hermione name, with Cisco honouring Narcissa. I imagine Julian as the oldest would be a lot like Hermione, in looks and personality- curly brown hair, brown eyes, studious and very detail-oriented. But he's more outgoing than Hermione was in school and makes friends pretty easily.

Scorpius Michael- Scorpius to stick with canon a bit and I like the idea of the Black's tradition of using celestial names. And Michael after Hermione's father. He's very extroverted and getting to grow up with the Julian and the Potter boys have given him a gift for finding beneficial loopholes in rules.

The twins- I remember when we found out #3 was on the way and the slight fear at that first ultrasound that we'd be told it was twins. It didn't happen to me (thank god!) so I gave it to Hermione and Draco. And what would be more shocking than twins? Watching their features start changing the moment they're born. As for the names, I think Hermione and Draco would be that couple where each one chose a name.
Ascella Katherine- Hermione's choice, sticking with a celestial theme and pairing it with her mother's. I imagine her being the most curious of the kids, wanting to learn and experience everything, which she gets to do with her extended Weasley family that she adores so much she keeps her hair red.
Ivy Jean- I imagine Draco choosing this name as a little love note to his wife- Ivy after the design on Hermione's wand and then passing down the middle name Jean. She's the more spunkier of the twins and has a strong love/hate relationship with Scorpius. When they get along, they could take over the world. When they fight, they could burn it all down with stubborn pettiness. I also see Ginny introducing her to bands like Bikini Kill and Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, unlocking Ivy's little punk side.

I hope you all have enjoyed this story! Many thanks again for sticking with it <3 I have another Dramione story in the works. I'm not gonna begin to guess when I'll start posting it. I'm actually trying this novel idea of finishing a fic before posting chapters. I will say that it's very different from this story and I'm over halfway done with it!

I leave you with lyrics from the song that inspired this story all those years ago-

So you wanna play with magic?
Boy, you should know whatcha falling for
Baby, do you dare to do this?
'Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, a perfect storm?
'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine
There's no going back
~Darkhorse, by Katie Perry

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