Chapter 19

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 Draco got into the Ministry just before lunchtime on Monday afternoon. Wanting to take advantage of every second he had with Hermione, he scrapped his original plans to leave Sunday and spent one more night in New York. Even Hermione had hit the snooze button on her alarm twice that morning, stealing an extra ten minutes from her morning routine to wrap herself around him and pretend the real world wasn't waiting for them.

Stifling a yawn, he unlocked his office door and groaned at the amount of paperwork in his inbox. He was going to need at least one more coffee to even think about starting that. He shoved his suitcase under his desk and collapsed into his chair. Resting his head back, Draco closed his eyes and let out another yawn.

"You plan on telling me where you fucked off to for four days?"

Draco cracked an eye open to find Harry glaring daggers at him from the doorway.

"South of France," Draco answered, slowly opening both eyes.

He and Hermione had decided to keep their relationship under wraps for the time being. Neither felt like facing an inquisition from their friends and the smug 'told-you-so' looks. Plus both were relearning what a relationship looked like and felt that it would be easier to navigate the newness of it all.

"Decided a last-minute vacation was needed. What's up?" Draco asked, leaning his elbows on his desk.

"What's up?" Harry repeated incredulously. "Do you realize how worried we were about you? You just up and left, not leaving anyone any inclination as to where!"

"I'm not a child, Potter. I didn't realize I needed to ask permission."

Harry groaned and sat down across from Draco. "You're such a prat, Malfoy. It's just common courtesy to tell people if you're leaving the country so we don't think you're fucking dead or being held hostage somewhere."

"Dramatic much?"

Harry narrowed his eyes, clearly unamused at the situation. Draco almost cracked and told him where he had really been, knowing that that would diffuse the tension immediately. But that was not his decision to make alone so he said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you and Ginevra worry. I had been needing a way to clear my head and my therapist suggested a vacation."

"Therapist? Since when do you see a therapist?"

Draco bit back the threatening smile and played along. "For several months now. I told you about this back in September."

"You never said it was a therapist. You said--I thought--" Harry stuttered, his face screwed up as if he was doing mental Arithmancy.

"Did you really think I was seeing an escort?"

"Well, yeah, I mean you never corrected me so I just assumed..."

"Sweet Merlin, Potter," Draco laughed, standing up and shaking his head. "No, I am not seeing a sex worker. I've finally admitted that my head is truly barmy and I'm not entirely happy with it being that way. Coffee?"

"Do you think the ladies in the cantina would drop a shot of whiskey in mine?" Harry asked, slowly standing and following Draco out the door.

"I'm maturing. I thought that's what you wanted?"

"Draco, wait."

Draco stopped and turned and before he could protest, Harry was hugging him. He gave Draco two thumps on the back before releasing him.


"I'm proud of you, man. I know shit like that isn't easy for you and want you to know that whatever you need, Ginny and I are here for you." He punched Draco's shoulder and added, "Just tell us next time you plan on disappearing, you twat!"

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