Chapter 16

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July 2003

"Fascinating," Draco said to the blonde in front of him and taking a sip of his bourbon.

"Right?" the woman exclaimed with a flirty giggle. "My name's Haley, by the way," she said, extending her hand to Draco.

"Draco," he said, giving her hand a polite shake. He patted the booth, encouraging her to sit down next to him. She eagerly accepted and slid up to his side.

"That's an odd name. Where is it from?"

"It's Latin for 'dragon'. I was named after the constellation."

"Oh my gosh! You're into astrology, too? Don't tell me, you're a Pisces. The moment I saw you, I knew. I told myself, 'Haley, that guy is totally a Pisces'. My horoscope even told me I'd meet a cute fish this week," she rambled, barely taking a breath between sentences.

Draco just nodded, forcing himself not to roll his eyes. It was probably pointless to tell her he was actually a Gemini. He never paid much mind to star signs and horoscopes, anyway. They were hokey and rarely based in fact, giving people either false hope or irrational fear. But if he played his cards right and feigned interest, he'd have her seeing stars by the end of the evening.

After a half-hour of listening to her ramble about psychics and tarot cards, Draco started to wonder if a quick shag was worth this torture. Finally, she paused and before she could say anything else, Draco interjected, "I'm sorry, do you mind if I just..."

He trailed off as he leaned over and kissed her. She immediately reciprocated, parting her lips and wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer. There was no doubt that Haley was into taking the night further. She let out soft mewls as she played with his hair and grinded against him.

Draco tried to build up the same fervor but was finding it rather difficult. Where he wanted soft curls, his fingers were met with stiff, Muggle hairspray. Her lips tasted of a sickeningly sweet cocktail and he felt a longing for the bitterness and bite of tequila and limes. When his palms roamed the stiff curves of her body, his initial suspicions of breast enhancements were confirmed.

None of this was a bad thing. Months ago, not a single one of those things would have been a deal-breaker and he hadn't expected them to be one that night. But as it was, Draco wasn't feeling at all turned on and couldn't muster the will to fake it.

"Mmm, you know what," Draco said, pulling away. "I just remembered I have a friend coming in from out of town and told him I'd meet up for a late dinner. Can I take a rain check?"

Haley looked put out but nodded with a sigh. "Let me get a pen from the bar and I'll give you my number."

Five minutes later, Draco slipped out the backdoor of the pub with a string of random numbers written on a napkin. The image of a piece of paper fluttering from a barely-there black dress clouded his memory and he let out an agitated growl. It was time to talk to someone that could knock some sense into him.


"Hello, Mr. Malfoy. Been a while since I saw you 'round here."

"Evening, Lloyd." Draco greeted the familiar doorman as he made his way into the lobby of the posh apartment complex. "Is he in?"

"He should be. The gentlemen he was entertaining just left a few minutes ago."

"Thanks. Nice to know he'll be in a relaxed mood."

Lloyd tipped his hat and Draco made his way to the bank of lifts. He pressed the button for the private lift that went straight to the penthouse. On the thirtieth floor, Draco stepped out onto the plush red carpet and gave three hard knocks on the dark mahogany door.

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