Chapter 12

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 "Are you okay? You seem a bit upset. Are you upset?"

Hermione did her best not to roll her eyes as she replied, "What's with the twenty questions? I'm fine."

"You don't look fine though. You look upset. Are you mad at Draco?"




"Who then?"

"You! You keep stepping on my bloody toes!" Hermione cried in frustration.

Harry's eyes went wide and he paused their dance for a moment to look down at their feet.

"I hope Ginny protects her feet with some shield charms on Saturday," Hermione muttered.

"Sorry, Min," Harry apologized. He pulled her close once again and restarted their Tango. "I guess Ginny was right in signing us up for these classes." After a minute though, he launched back into his interrogation. "Are you really okay though? You really do seem a bit off, not quite yourself."

Hermione took a few seconds to read her friend's face. It was almost pained with concern. "I have a lot of things on my mind at the moment, but I promise I'm fine. And if Ron and I can get through tomorrow night without strangling one another, I'll be even better."

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Harry insisted. "Judgement free zone here," he said, giving her shoulder a squeeze as the music faded away.

Tears welled up in the corner of Hermione's eyes. She pulled Harry into a tight hug and was able to fight back her sudden urge to sob, as he squeezed her back.

"You know, I was only joking when I said I'd share."

Hermione giggled as she let go of Harry and smiled at Ginny.

"I hope you plan on using protection on Saturday," Hermione warned.

Ginny's eyes bulged and she quickly looked around. "Pretty sure we're passed that point," she hissed.

"I meant for your feet," Hermione laughed, playfully shoving Harry towards Ginny. "I need to go soak my toes in a bucket of ice."

"Hey now! I may not be Fred Astaire, but I'm not that horrible," Harry protested.

"Of course you're not, darling," Ginny reassured, running her hand through his hair. Harry shook his head and waved her off her condescension. Ginny turned her attention back to Hermione. "I can't believe Draco didn't show up tonight."

Hermione shrugged and said, "Guess a better alternative popped up."

"You're okay with that?" Harry asked, shooting her a skeptical look.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" When Harry didn't answer, Hermione continued, "He's free to make his own choices. It's not like he and I are....well, anything. Maybe a fortnight of shagging the same woman got boring." The last comment came out more bitter than she had intended and she could tell her tone was not lost on her friends.

"Was he okay at work today?" Ginny asked Harry. "Did he mention not making it to the class tonight?"

"I actually haven't seen him since Monday morning," Harry answered. "I was out all of this morning and only caught fleeting glimpses of him in the afternoon. Never a moment to really chat."

"It's not like it's a major scandal, here," Hermione insisted. Hermione summoned her purse and pulled out an elastic. Her lengthening charms finally had her hair reaching past her shoulders and the bright lights were making her sweaty. She swept her locks up into a messy bun and said, "There's a little cafe about a block or so away. I think I'm going to go grab a drink. You two want to join?"

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