Chapter 13

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 As good as it felt to finally bare her soul to someone, the night left Hermione even more confused and anxiety-ridden than when it had started it. It was hard for her to shake off the panic attack from hearing the late-night car accident. The sudden rush of adrenaline had shocked her system into consciousness and it didn't appear to want to let up. After Draco had gone back to bed, Hermione wrapped herself in the blanket and laid down on the sofa, her mind buzzing with a billion thoughts.

Damnit! Why had he kissed her like that? Why couldn't he just have gone to bed? It's not that she preferred Prat Draco to Sweet Draco, but Prat Draco made life a lot easier. Things were cut and dry with Prat Draco. Sweet Draco blurred the line they had drawn on the boundaries their relationship would stick to. Damnit! Why had he kissed her like that?!

Hermione closed her eyes and felt as though she had split in two; like she was staring at her reflection in the mirror. Except... it wasn't her exact reflection. Hermione knew for a fact that she was standing there in her undergarments, hair in disarray, eyes bloodshot and wild. The girl staring back at her was calm and put together-- fully dressed, in what appeared to be her old school robes, expression free from tension, a knowing smile on her face.

"Who are you?" Hermione asked.

"You," the reflection answered simply.

"No, I'm me," Hermione protested.

"You're Hysterical Hermione. I'm Logical Hermione. I control your rational side. Have you forgotten about me?"

"No, of course not. What do you want?"

Logical Hermione chuckled and shook her head. "I want you to calm down and let me take over for a while. It's time you start thinking straight again and stop lying to yourself."

"I'm not lying to myself! I might be a bit hysterical now, but it's for a good reason. You're usually the one in control. Just bugger off and sort out my thoughts, okay?"

"What do you think I've been trying to do?" Logical Hermione closed her eyes and massaged her temples as if trying to push back a headache. "Why must we be so stubborn..." she muttered. "Okay, let's talk this through, Double H."

"Double H?"

"Hysterical Hermione. Stay focused," the reflection demanded. "He's kissed you before. Why are you so upset about this one? Honestly, it was pretty boring compared to all the others"

"Because he's never kissed me like that before!" Hermione exclaimed. "All the other kisses have been a form of foreplay. Sex was always the end game. That kiss had comfort and compassion and....and it had meaning."

"Did it?" Logical Hermione asked.

"It felt like it did," Hermione replied meekly.

"Okay, if it did, is that good or bad?"

"G-goo-" Hermione stuttered. She stomped her feet and shook her head. "Bad! It's bad!"

"Why? Because of Ron? Because you live in another country? Because of the negative history you have with Draco? Because admitting it's good means you have to put yourself out there and risk being hurt more?"

"All of that! And mostly because he's Draco Malfoy."

"Yes, but he's also not Draco Malfoy."

Hermione let out a frustrated cry. "For someone who is supposed to be logical, you're a very infuriating person!"

"Yes, logic can be infuriating," Logical Hermione stated, matter of factly.

"Where are you going with all of this? What's the point?" Hermione asked wearily.

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