Chapter 6

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"What was I thinking?" Hermione grumbled, falling onto her bed, back at Harry and Ginny's. She covered her face with her hands and groaned. "Of all the people, in all of bloody England, I had to go jump in bed with Draco Malfoy."

Hermione's mind and her body were at war with each other. Her mind was screaming at her for being so impetuous. Alcohol and sex were, of course, going to solve nothing. But it had been so long since she'd had both.... And Malfoy wasn't exactly unattractive. Quite the opposite actually. His white blonde hair had been cut short and it helped to soften his features, compared to the slicked back, pompous look he'd had in school. Then, when she got his clothes off, Merlin help her! Every inch of him was defined muscled, and she just couldn't resist running her hands over every nook and cranny.

Yes, the physical attraction was definitely there. But, if she was really honest with herself, what had lowered her defenses was how easy he was to talk to. Never once did it feel like he was putting up a front, and he was bluntly honest with her. She was sure that he didn't show his dark mark scar to everyone he met. She had finally been able to appreciate how much he had changed in the last five years.

And who was she kidding, the sex was good! Amazing, even! Not that she had much to compare it to. She had just bookended a multi-year drought. She had needed the sex; the touch, the rush, the relief it brought. The fact that sex with Draco Malfoy came with no attachments was the perfect package.

"Ooh, perfection in the package indeed," Hermione murmured, pulling herself from the bed, with a grin. She stripped off her rumpled dress and headed for the bathroom. Letting the water rise barely above the temperature of ice, she stepped in and cooled down her raging libido that had awaken at the thought of Draco's package. Afterwards, she left her wet towel on the floor, and started back to her room.

She barely made it two steps into the hall before seeing Draco, dressed in his Ministry robes, standing in her doorway.

"Malfoy! What the fuck?" she shrieked, turning back to the bathroom. The door promptly slammed in her face. Letting out another frustrated cry, she turned to see Draco twirling his wand. "What are you playing at? Can I at least get my towel?"

"No," he answered, simply. "You left me," he accused, pointing his wand towards her.

"And now you're going to curse me?" Draco lowered his wand quickly, but didn't break his gaze on her. "I thought of all people, you would know what a one night stand entails," Hermione sighed, walking towards him. He shifted uncomfortably as she got near. "Can I at least get some clothes?" Draco moved aside and let her pass.

"I've had plenty of one night stands, Granger. I know exactly how they work. It's just never..." he trailed off, as Hermione slipped on a clean bra and knickers. "Never mind," he muttered, turning to leave.

"You're the one that said no feelings," she called, walking after him.

Draco laughed, and Hermione felt a slight pain at the mocking tone. "It's not that. Forget it."

It finally dawned on Hermione what was irritating him. He wasn't used to being the one left.

"I guess it was a first for both of us," she said, softly.

He stopped and stared at her for a second. She could see his steely eyes trying to work out the meaning behind her statement, but he left the question unspoken. She watched as his blonde hair disappeared down the steps.

That day she sat and mapped out possibilities for Ginny's hen night. She knew that she would have to venture into London and scope out restaurants and shows. Those places didn't really matter, location wise. Hermione just wanted to try and keep the dance club within walking distance to the Leaky Cauldron, so everyone could safely floo home. She wasn't too keen on shoving a bunch of drunk witches into a muggle taxi cab, to take them to what the drivers would see as an abandoned, run down building. The idea of the Knight Bus briefly crossed her mind, but she quickly dismissed it. The Knight Bus on a strong, empty stomach was risky. She didn't even want to imagine what it would be like paired with no sense of balance and a stomach full of alcohol.

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