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Chapter Twenty One

Grace and Jenny walked through a few bushes and finally made their way just outside of Alex's home. The windows were wide open, giving them access to see inside. Grace let her eyes fall over Alex, he sat in his dining room table looking over a few documents.

"Goodness, he works even when he's at home," Jenny whispered.

Suddenly someone took a seat across from him, blocking her view and so she dared to inch a little closer.

"What are you doing, if they see you we'll be caught!" Jenny hissed tugging her back.

"We won't," Grace protested. There muffled voices could be heard, but not clearly. It was hard for Grace to make out a single word. She quickly ran on her hands and knees just below the wide open window and sat there leaning her back against the wall. She took a deep breath and stole a small glance in Jenny's direction. Jenny hid behind the bushes wide eyed, waving Grace to come back.

Grace tried to ignore Jenny as she closed her eyes and tried paying attention to the conversation Alex and the mysterious stranger were having. The voice seemed familiar. Then suddenly a name found its way to her lips.

"Max," she whispered. The man inside with Alex was Max, his best friend. Alex had introduced her to him.

"Look if it makes you feel uncomfortable that I tag along, just go by yourself." Max said. She could hear as he pushed back his chair and rose. A shiver of fright found its way down her spine as she heard the footsteps inch closer to the window.

"I think all of the news reporters are gone, so it's safe to leave your home. But do not be surprised if any of them try to follow you or interview you." He continued to say.

Finally Alex spoke, "Maybe its best that I don't, if I do, just imagine how she will react. She went crazy thinking she was carrying my child. That morning when I awoke and found her inside my apartment, I just knew deep down Vicky had seen everything. I swear to you Max, I had no idea Kim had access to my apartment. I was ready to turn my life around. I was ready to see things in a whole new perspective. Then Vicky suddenly died and there was no beginning for me anymore. I was left lifeless. But now I have hope, Grace...Grace makes me feel everything I had once and I will prove once and for all that she's...,"

Alex's words were cut off as Jenny was fast in crawling over to Grace and tugging her away from the window.

"Are you insane!" Jenny hissed trying to pull her towards safety.

"Possibly," she replied thoughtful.

Grace had heard what Alex had said about her, he felt something he hadn't felt in a long time. That made her stomach turn in joy as a small smile broke her lips.

"They're leaving," Jenny suddenly whispered tugging Grace farther into the bushes so they would not be seen. The shiny BMW pulled out of the garage and finally Grace and Jenny were left alone. The sound of the wind and the birds chirping was the only thing heard as they both stayed huddled there for a moment. Then Grace stood right up and darted for the garage door that slowly began to slide shut.

"Come on!" Grace called out to Jenny.

"Grace, come back here!"

"It's now or never Jenny," Grace replied quickly sliding into the half garage door.

Jenny darted after Grace and managed to slide in tumbling over Grace. Both girls laid there on the floor letting small laughter escape them.

"I never thought you were this serious, I mean I meant just following him around, not actually breaking into his house," Jenny said rising off the floor.

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