Vampires Will Never Hurt You

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Betty stalked the halls. She and Archie had first-hour study hall, albeit in different classes. She usually wouldn't seek him out, but right now, he was the only person that could confirm the embarrassment of not knowing her own boyfriend's birthday.

As expected, he was in the weight room, full of guys and one girl. He was on the treadmill and waved at Betty as she approached.

"What's up?" He asked cheerfully, still running.

"Jughead's birthday is tomorrow, isn't it?"

Archie faltered. If not for his newly-gifted super-human reflexes, she was sure he would have tripped over his own feet and the treadmill would have sent him flying. Now, though, he managed to steady himself and look down at Betty, taking out both of his earbuds.

"Whaaaat? No, it's not." Archie said, face red as his hair.

"Then when is it?"

He mumbled something, and Betty almost laughed.

"Bit louder?"

"It's...Decpriltober." He said, wincing, knowing he'd already failed to try to keep this a secret, for god knows why.

"Archie, if anyone has ever told you you're a good liar, you should go punch them. Don't ever play poker." Betty said, crossing her arms, "Why? Why would you even lie?"

"Jughead really hates people knowing about his birthday. I didn't know his birthday until we were twelve. Twelve! I figured, well, if he hadn't told you...didn't seem like my place."

"But I'm his girlfriend," Betty argued, "I should know!"

"Look, to's just another Friday."

"No, no. I'm not missing this opportunity tomorrow. Do you know what's worse than me not knowing? Me doing nothing for this birthday." Betty argued.

Archie winced, "OKay, okay. You're probably right there. Look...usually we just go see a double feature at the Bijou. And frankly, you'd enjoy it a hell of a lot more than I would. Plus, we have like...the biggest practice ever for the game tomorrow, and I'm going to be sore as heck afterward. You should take him."

Betty sighed, "I don't want to cut you out of this tradition."

"I'd just third-wheel," Archie said, shaking his head. At Betty's face, about to argue, he laughed, "Betty. This is how it's supposed to be. We're growing up, getting boyfriends and girlfriends. Jughead probably would love to have you there. Don't have to make it...a big deal." Archie said.

"Alright," Betty said, but she still wasn't satisfied, but she didn't know what else to do right now, "I"m sure it will be fun."

"See! Perfect. Gotta say...sorta glad it's you this year and not me. I think I reached my fill of old movies like two years back." Archie shuddered, "I'll just bake him some cupcakes at home. Something simple."

"Right," Betty said, standing back to let Archie start running again, her mind turning over itself, "Simple."


"Veronica still sick?" Archie asked as he slid into his lunch spot, glancing around, "Where's Juggie?"

"Doing some extra credit for History, finishing a test we both know he passed," Betty said, "And Veronica told me she's mostly fine. It's apparently something mild. She should be back tomorrow. She has to; for Vixens practice."

"Oh, well, cool." Archie blinked.

"Now that Juggie is gone..." Betty motioned for Archie and Sweet Pea to lean in, "Jughead's never had a birthday party. And we all know his birthday is tomorrow."

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