Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

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There was still much to talk about on the way home, even if none of it was directly supernatural related (due to Jughead's presence). So much, in fact, that there wasn't the argument over the music as Betty had thought there'd be. Sweet Pea put up enough of a fuss to be the first DJ, and Jughead of course had opinions about his weird music playlist, which played everything from Nightcore to ABBA, but eventually Kevin turned it low to discuss more important things...the Jason murder case.

It was agreed they'd go find the car. After dropping Betty off at her house, since her mom was already texting her asking when she'd be home. No matter, three could find it just as well.

"I have a really bad theory," Betty said when there was a lapse in the general discussion of everything they knew, plus the fact of Polly's pregnancy, "What if it was my dad?"

"Your dad what?" Jughead frowned.

"Who killed Jason," Betty took in a staggered breathe, "I mean, according to Polly, my mom was afraid for her, but my father was angry. He never approved. He wasn't around the night of the drive-in and wasn't with my mom and I when she went off on Grundy. What if he stole the papers?" She looked at Kevin. Her fingers played incessantly with the pendant.

"Okay, so maybe he stole the papers, that could be an answer. But kill someone? It's your dad we're talking about Betty," Kevin gave a half-nervous laugh, "I mean, I don't think I've ever actually seen him be aggressive about anything in his life."

"That's why it's bad," Betty pressed her cheek against the car window, "But my gut is telling me my parents know more."

"Here, here," Sweet Pea added dully, no doubt thinking of FP.

"Once we find the car, we'll be able to prove more. Let's not jump to conclusions," Kevin's fingers gripped and ungripped the steering wheel a couple times, "Like...Like..."

"Like a witch hunt." Jughead interjected. Betty gave him a small smile, but Sweet Pea looked concerned. More concerned than usual when a human made an unintentionally ironic comment. Did Jughead know something?

Instead of worrying about it, since Betty had a lot to worry about, she turned to Kevin.

"If you don't mind, I think it's my turn," She said, unhooking Sweet Pea's iPod, "And I have lots of musical show tunes to dazzle you all with."


"We're an odd group," Sweet Pea said, head between the seats.

"Shut up." Jughead muttered.

"Hey, guys, c'mon," Kevin said, sighing, "Let's just find this, ok? And please, be quiet. It's raining so much I can hardly see as it is."

"Creepy things in the backroads here," Jughead gave an unintentional shudder as they turned onto the lost Highway off route 40, "Screaming. Death. Mangled bodies."

Kevin choked a little, "Hopefully none tonight."

"Sorry. Forgot you found Jason." Jughead winced.

"I-," Sweet Pea began.

"You know, silence is golden." Kevin said sharply, quieting them both, until Jughead gave an affirmation that they were nearly there.

"Stop here." Sweet Pea said suddenly. Kevin jerked the car to a stop, sending Sweet Pea nearly through the windshield.

"There's nothing here." Jughead said, peering into the rain.

"Just, get out. Fan out." Sweet Pea barked, almost crawling over Jughead to exit. Jughead had to duck so that his tennis shoe didn't beat his head, and while Sweet Pea might usually be trying to do it intentionally, this time he was just frantic to get out. He could feel it, magic, crawling over his skin, making him want to pick at his fingernails. Kevin turned it off, shrugging and joining him.

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