4. Thriller

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Betty gaped at him for a second, "It's Betty Cooper, that's my name, first off-,"

"Funny, that's what you argue? Fuck, maybe you're going into shock." The boy rubbed his chin, examining her. He got right up in her face, looking into her eyes with a sort of examination that didn't seem right for a kid his age to be so...well, knowledgeable. She slapped his hand away, ignoring the fact he was pretty much naked, even with a towel still. She threw a second towel at him and he smirked at her, but wrapped it around his shoulders. Better.

"-Second, did you just say witch? And did you sort of just quote Harry Potter?"

"I've always wanted to say that. 'Yer a wizard, Harry.' 'Cept, male magic folk are warlocks,and I didn't know your name, but kudos for getting that." He grinned, nodding.

"I'm dreaming, oh, wow, I must be dreaming." Betty mumbled.

"Sorry, you're not." He said, sitting down, "Hey, got anything to eat? I did just save your ass, so...."

"Feed the wolf boy? Of course, why not." Betty whispered to herself, rolling her eyes. So, this was for sure a dream. She was certain. But yeah, Betty could be nice in a dream. Because of this, she made the pair of them sandwiches since the loaf was pretty beaten up now and it would be better to use it all. The loaf she'd thrown at those...things.

"Wolf Boy has a name. It's Sweet Pea," He said, outstretching his palm to her, half covered in Peanut Butter.

"What kind of a stupid name is that?" She couldn't help but ask.

"A nickname, but no one- and I mean no one- calls me by my real name, Jordan." He replied.

"Not even your mother?" She asked sarcastically. Sweet Pea paused, swallowing.

"If I had one, not even then. And, when she was alive, she usually called me more colorful and less PG names." He said with a hint of an edge. Betty immediately felt her face flush.

"Oh my god...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean..." She fumbled. Sweet Pea gave a casual shrug.

"It's cool. I mean, my new family is much better, so may she not Rest In Peace." He said, seemingly more okay with it than Betty thought he should be.

Her phone beeped next to her, and Betty groaned, seeing the name of what looked like 'Archie' flash up on the screen. She pointedly turned it off and stood up. Sweet Pea frowned at the state of her body, all covered in little bite marks and bleeding onto the tile. She seemed to really notice it for the first time and winced as she put her weight on her left leg.

"You should get cleaned up, some bandages and- woah!" Sweet Pea jumped up as Betty stumbled, her eyes rolling into the back of her head and she dropped like a deadweight. Sweet Pea caught her just in time, moments before her head hit the concrete.

"Damn it all," He said, his cover becoming precariously unwrapped as he hoisted Betty's unconscious figure better into his arms. Okay, so option one, which is what he was going for; lug her body inside and at least put her in her bed, because it seemed her parents weren't home but probably would be soon and a missing girl would be very concerning. Maybe leave his number, not in a creepy 'call me' sort of way, but just in case she was still confused in the morning, which likely she would be.

Didn't her mom tell her all about this? Then again, if her father was the one carrying the genetics, and let's say it was all men in the family for years, then yeah no one would be able to tell her about this. In fact, Betty was the first witch he'd heard about in this part of the state for, well, a long time. Last witch had apparently died out like thirty years before he was even born.

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