Dead Man's Party

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"Archie...I'd like to..." Cheryl began talking before she knew what she was doing. Betty had run ahead, places to be, apparently.

She wondered if she was two-timing Jughead for Sweet Pea. It seemed that this is what they were trying to convince Nick of. No offense, but if you were cheating, Cheryl considered, weren't you supposed to choose something better or at least different? Sweet Pea and Jughead were like Pepsi and Diet Pepsi. Which one was the diet flavor changed in her mind daily based on how much they were annoying her or not (Normal Pepsi was the inferior one, by the way).

Sweet Pea peeled off somewhere else, leaving her walking away with Kevin. But Archie was near the locker room entrance, and she hadn't meant to talk, but her lips started for her. Kevin raised an eyebrow and raised his hands, lagging behind.

"Not now, Cheryl," Archie growled, "I'm not interested in talking to you right now." He glanced at the doors. Maybe he was walking Betty home. How...quaint?

"I think you'll see I did you a favor soon." Cheryl said snappishly, "You're so much better than you were before."

"I was perfectly fine without all of this bullshit," Archie rubbed his forehead, "And look, I don't know what you did, but-" Before he could say much else, his phone rang, "I need to answer this."

He turned, expecting Cheryl to take a hint and go, but she was stubborn and she was going to get at least an apology out of him, if not a full-on 'thank you' for the generous favor her family bestowed upon him.

"No, no! We just need a simple, non-descript cake, Ethyl. Nothing too flashy."

Cheryl raised an eyebrow. What business did Archie have talking to Ethyl Muggs? And what about a cake?

She crept back so that she could listen in. Archie turned, and he should have been able to sense Cheryl was still around, but his attention was elsewhere. He was still learning as a Grimm after all.

"Okay, great. Chip, it doesn't matter what. I guess Jughead likes Lays. And some cups. Yeah, red-solo is fine."

Cheryl almost gasped. There was basically only one thing red solo cups meant. A party.

A party she, for some unthinkable reason, was not invited to.

"Just bring them to my place. Yeah, yep. I'll be there soon. Thanks, you're a life-saver."

Archie hung up and Cheryl pressed herself to the stone wall, out of reach.

Well, it was clear she had to ruin whatever this little party was.

The door to the locker room opened. She crept around, expecting Archie to be gone.

And he was, but Chuck Clayton was now outside, fishing his phone out of his bag.

"Chuck! Great practice; hey, do you have plans tonight?"

"Why?" Chuck asked, sizing her up, nervous. He had every right to be on any other occasion.

"It seems that my current arch-nemesis, Andrews, is throwing a party tonight. Seems like it might be a birthday party. Your arch-nemesis will be there too since if I'm able to piece things together, it's Jughead's birthday." She said, things starting to click in her brain, "Want to destroy what seems like it will be a perfectly fun night?"

Chuck gave a wicked grin.

"Count me the hell in."


"You look stunning, Elizabeth."

"Yuck, no one except my mom calls me that," Betty shuddered, "Please, call me Betty. Or, rather, nothing at all." She added with a huff.

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