10. Psycho Killer

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Betty, feeling like everything was going exactly to plan, broke the capsule into his drink.

"Betty...what's that?" Veronica put her hand out to stop Betty from taking it to Chuck.

"Er, muscle relaxer." Betty lied quickly, "Mix it with booze and it lowers your inhibitions. Hello truth serum." Except, she meant that literally . Truth serum, page 252 of her family grimione. Easy enough to make, but it only yielded about two doses and wore off within the hour. Also, most magical creatures had other means to get the truth, but for something like this and someone so utterly human, Betty figured it would fit their needs.

"Maybe we should slow down a little?" Veronica twittered.

Coward, the vicious voice in Betty's head whispered. She shooed it away. She didn't think Veronica of that. Revenge wasn't everyone's dish, even if they thought it was. Betty could finish this herself, and she would.

"It's fine. Right Chuck? You don't want to slow down, do you?" She asked tilting her head and giving her best sad face.

Whatever Chuck answered was something kitschy and cringe-worthy, but it was for sure an affirmative, which is all Betty needed.

"Good boy Chuck," She said, handing it to him. She handed him the drink, watching him chug it. So arrogant, didn't even think to be wary of it. She slid into the hot tub, at least to her knees, and placed her hands on his head like she was going to lean down to kiss him. Just as she was inches from his face, she paused.

"Now sleep," She instructed, willing the magic to bid as she wished. Chuck looked at her quizzically, before his head lolled and he drifted off into a momentary slumber

"Betty!" Veronica leapt up.

"He's fine. He'll wake up in a second. You brought the handcuffs?" The handcuffs had been Veronica's idea, initially, but now she looked unsure. She opened her mouth, scowled, and then retrieved them.

"I'm not sure I like where this is going." Veronica said. Betty clicked the locks into place.

"It's going to be fine. We're just going to get him to admit what he's done. That's it." Betty assured, but some part of her wanted to do more. She shoved it away, but it kept coming back. She didn't want to admit she might be in over her head, that this dark magic was starting to get to her, because they were so close.

She rubbed her fingers over his head again, "Wake," She whispered.

Chuck started to come to.

"What the hell?" He said, shaking his arms.

"Start recording," Betty instructed.

"Hey, guys. It's getting hot in here," Chuck said, huffing.

Betty leaned down, trailing her fingers through the water, "And getting hotter by the minute," She agreed, watching with satisfaction as the fire Sweet Pea said she had slid through her body and into the water, rising the temperature, "Time to squeal, pig. Tell the truth about what happened between you and Veronica."

"We...we had a good time. She had a good time," Chuck said, squinting. Betty locked her jaw. He clearly believed that, so, no lies there. Okay, different question, more incentive.

"The truth, Chuck, or so help me I will boil you alive," Betty snarled, sticking her whole palm into the water, urging it to bubble like a pot on a stove.

"Wha..." Chuck asked, shaking his head.

"Betty?" Veronica asked hesitantly, her eyes sliding over to the temperature gauge. There she was, trying to connect the dots, how Betty was doing this...without anything. Betty just gave her a 'trust me' sort of look. Veronica's hand was shaking, but she returned the camera to Chuck, but her face was still one of worry and confusion.

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