Li'l Red Riding Hood

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Song for this chapter is Lil' Red Riding Hood by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs. It's totally one of my favorite songs, and it's particularly appropriate, since in this chapter we'll have a werewolf going to Grandmother's house in the woods.


KEVIN to GROUP CHAT (Sweet Pea, Betty, Jughead): So, I'm totally in for this little adventure. However, we'll have to wait until after the variety show, being that I'm in charge of it. We go on Sunday?

BETTY: Oh, thank you so much Kevin! I'll pay you back in gas money and snacks :) I just need to think of the right cover for my Mom...

SP: No problems here, not a parent to care where I am ;)

JUG: Sadly, same.

BETTY: Well, my mom likes you, Kev. If I conveniently leave out the other two passengers...

KEVIN: Tell your mom we're going to an Art Museum for extra credit and to look at a college. I'll have my dad verify the cover story.

JUG: Why would your dad cover for you? How do you know he will?

KEVIN: I just do. Don't worry too much about it.


"So, Myles, you being a professional jazz man, you must be living your dream?" Fred tried to make polite conversation. Josie winced. God, what was Hermione thinking bringing Fred and Archie? It was bad enough her father always critiqued her, but now with two utterly non-magical humans in the room, they had to be careful about what they said. At least, with just Hermione, they wouldn't have to speak in code about their true selves.

"Well, yes and no," Her father was examining Fred with a look Josie did not like. Something a little too dangerous, "The real struggle is always art versus commerce." Her father said pointedly. Josie sipped her water, wanting to sink into the ground. She didn't hear what Fred said, but she heard Mrs. Lodge's response.

"But if we're talking about the future and long-term security, it can't always be about following your bliss," She said, "Bliss does not keep one alive."

"You can for sure say that," Josie couldn't help but say out loud, which caused her parents to snap their heads toward her with disapproving looks. Mrs. Lodge almost looked charmed.

"On the contrary, I'm quite happy. However, for our children, for our'd do anything."

"For the good of old traditions," Myles added in, his eyes looking to his wife.

"I'm missing something, aren't I?" Archie leaned in, looking nervous. Sweating, to be honest. Why was he sweating? This dinner party wasn't that nerve-wracking. He also wasn't looking her in the eye.

Josie forced a smile, "Yes. But don't worry about it."

Maybe they should have put some vervain in the Andrew's drinks, just to be safe. Josie didn't trust Mrs. Lodge at all.

Mrs. Lodge sipped her wine and Josie resisted the urge to sudder. She'd also refused most of the food. Of course, if the Andrews weren't here, she'd just be having...well, that wasn't wine. As it was, she was politely picking at the few items on her plate, though not eating with any real vigor.

"Personally, I'm just excited to hear my daughter perform with Josie." Mrs. Lodge said, steering the conversation away from what she correctly noticed to be tense, but into a far worse one. Miles' eyes were as stormy as a black sea.

"Why am I just hearing about this?"

Josie pressed her hands to her forehead. She hated this night already.

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