6. Abracadabra

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Just a pre-note! Lots of people are saying there should be more Bughead or Choni or Cheryl, and well, I agree with you, to a point! Believe me when I say it's coming! Episode wise, we're hardly into the second actual episode of the series! Bughead didn't even start talking until like the 4th and Cheryl hardly gets anything important to do with her until ep5. So, when I say I'm moving up the timeline, just be aware that there's other things that need to happen to make it make sense.

But I suppose on that note; if you're reading this story for one singular pairing, you might be disappointed. While Bughead, Choni, SweetPea/Betty (Friendship, at least right now) and Varchie are all important, they're important because it's a big deal in the show (well, 3 of those). This is not a love story but it has love interests. This is a story of magic/supernatural elements first and foremost, and more than that, this is jointly Sweet Pea's as well as Betty's story, and whoever they might end up dating/kissing/hanging around with is secondary.

Song Title is Abracadabra by Steve Miller Band.

"Another new kid?" Veronica said to Betty at her locker while Betty gathered her supplies for the day, "Is it normal to get so many transfer students?"

"Well, according to what I know from last year, we only got Chuck Clayton but he was a sophomore, we were freshmen so I wouldn't say I noticed much." Betty said, unzipping her backpack, "That's weird, though, I didn't get any information about...oh my god."

She turned a complete shade of burgundy when she saw Sweet Pea waltzing up like he belonged there. And, from his 'New Student Handbook', apparently, he now did.

Veronica read the situation just like any average person would have.

"Red face, his stupid grin, new student...Betty Cooper, that's not him, is it?" She asked in a stage whisper, eyes twinkling with utter mischievous glee.

"Not him what?" Sweet Pea asked, leaning on the lockers, "Hey Cooper, surprised?"

Betty sent him a hard glare. Couldn't he have texted her, a warning, maybe? She held his gaze for a couple seconds, before Veronica gave a 'ahem' and nudged her impatiently.

"Yes. That's him," Betty said, covering her face with one of her books.

"Me, 'what'?" Sweet Pea asked again.

"Ooh!" Veronica squealed like he wasn't even there, "You're right girl, he is hot as hell." Sweet Pea opened his mouth to reply to that, which Betty could not have happen.

At this point, Betty grabbed Sweet Pea's hand, shouting back to Veronica that she'd meet back up with her in History, and forcibly shoved Sweet Pea into a quiet alcove.

"What was that about? I feel like I missed something, which sucks because it seems like I was a part of it." He asked, shoving his welcome papers into his backpack with not a care for keeping it un-crinkled at all.

"Oh god," Betty dragged her hands down her face, "Okay. So, when I fell asleep last weekend for like twenty-seven hours, Mr. Jones texted my mom as me and said I was going to be at Veronica's house. That's Veronica. And, because I know my mom's crazy and I wouldn't put it past her to fact check, I had to ask Veronica to cover for me. She asked what I was doing. Obviously, I couldn't tell her the whole truth so I told her some...half truths. Like, that I was with a boy...from the Southside...and, yeah," She rubbed her arms nervously, "She sorta made up the rest and I didn't ever...correct her. I never thought it would be a big deal!"

"So, what, she thinks we had a one night stand or something?"

"Or something," Betty whispered, "She also saw me texting you, which usually after a one night stand you don't talk to the other person again, so...she might be under the impression we're dating. Or, getting there."

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