My Unrequited Love

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Dear My URL,

I could not help my self focus in every discussion during the whole afternoon class and it was all because of the note that David had handed me. All in my head was that note. My mind could not stop thinking who the lucky girl is. I was dying to finally know who she is and it is very important to me because he is David Lamberto Sy, the school's football captain, the school paper's editor-in-chief, and Science Club President. Almost every girl in the school admire him aside from the fact that he's got good looks and a charming personality but because he is both excellent academically and well, in the field of sports. He is not the type of guy who is arrogant or breezy cuz he is actually the type of guy who is very nice and humble and whenever he smiles, a deep curve on his left cheek would emerge. Cute dimple! And when rumors spread of him liking a girl was really a big issue cuz he had not courted a girl yet. And... and... many... many were expecting that it would be me. So excitement and nervousness were swirling inside me during the two and a half hours of waiting and when the bell rang, it was time to finally know the answer to my question that has been popping in my mind. Brace yourself, Kate was all I was thinking that time. I wish it would be me was a small thought that came in to my mind... a tiny hope that it would be me. After classes, David took me to 7-Eleven and he ordered two soda in plastic bottles, Coca-Cola for him and Mountain Dew for me then we sat across each other and he began himself by clearing his throat. He stared at me for a moment and there was an air of uneasiness and I was feeling uncomfortable at David's penetrating stare. This is it then I gripped the bottle of Mountain Dew as he tried to recall himself of how he started liking this girl.


Kate Alcante

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