My Unrequited Love

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Dear My URL,

There is so much hype about Kurt. I have not seen him at all. I mean, I saw him but it was just his back. I did not see his face. Maybe he's got very good looks cuz girls can't stop themselves talking about him. These girls know the every inch of this guy... they know so much about Kurt. Is it justifiable? Well, maybe. And based from what I have heard, he moved to our university because he and his family has moved on to a new house just fifteen minutes of travel from the university I am or we are studying. Woah. Convenience it is, huh. I don't really understand why these girls are like head over heels in love with Kurt. What does he have that the college girls can't help themselves with this guy but swoon? He is not even a celebrity but well, he has a facebook fanpage with what I have heard has at least a hundred thousand likes and counting while Kurt's instagram has ninety-thousand followers. Ha! Famous, isn't he? Well, I did not or never ever tried to search him in social media sites... he is just a waste of time and for me? He is just an ordinary guy. Nothing else. He is not superman. Duuuuh. And I hope that these girls would just stop the hype. And is it right to think that I am not actually affected with this guy? Well, yeah. He is just nothing. Another ordinary campus guy who maybe flashes his smile with deep curve on the cheek then girls would swoon like there is no tomorrow. Just another breezy guy in the campus. Psh.


Kate Alcante

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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