Dear David

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Dear David,

I knew from the very start that the girl whom you liked so much would not be me and that I would always be your bestfriend. When you told me you like Shaira, I was a bit hurt and there is that little pinch in my heart. I admit that I cried and cried my heart out because it should have been me and not Shaira but what else can I do? I can't control how you feel. I am writing this letter to you because I want you to know that I like you. You always make me feel like I am the most important girl in the world and you are always there for me and cares for me more than anyone else and one morning, I just realized that I fell for you but I kept it to myself because I know that you could not love me back. You always tell me that I am just your bestfriend. When you told me who the lucky girl is, I was clinging for a tiny bubble of hope that it would be me but I was disappointed with myself for expecting something. I love you, David and I am not asking you to love me back because I know that your feelings will never change for Shaira and your heart will always... always beat for her. I am telling you these things because I want to free myself and to just move on and get over because I want this unrequited love for you fly somewhere else. I just want to forget the every bittersweet feeling of loving you, David. Good-bye.

With love,


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