3 | Dancer Park

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The year 1937 - After War

Jungkook was glad that he was reborn into a healthy and rich family. Of course, rich is a big word for what he had, but in the year 1937, he did well. At 27 years old, he was a successful shop owner and after the war that killed his father, he promised that he would do his best to live a happy life.

His mind was at Namjoon and Yoongi, his past life lovers. When he was 16, Jungkook found out that Namjoon died right after him. That night the little boy didn't sleep all night, and every time he did, he would dream about all the memories he had with the captain. He was curious about Yoongi's life too, but he was too much of a coward to look for any history books and look at his name. Nobody knew about their relationship except the former king and a few other royal soldiers.

But right now, he was late. He was late for the meeting with the shop's sponsors. There were many people on the street, some talking, others walking, some begged or even dancing for money. But Jungkook's attention was caught by a boy, a boy dancing in a street corner. He was blond and very thin, obviously not eating the required amount of food per day. He was dancing to a very hard and beautiful song, expressing his emotions very well with his fluid body movements. He looked at him with admiration, wishing to be able to dance that way too.

The boy was flawless and Jungkook wanted to help him at least eat something healthy that day, so he approached him and left in his hat, hat that was on the floor, collecting money, a 50000 won* banknote and then he left, jogging to the shop. The man didn't have time to run faster when a voice called him from behind.

"Wait, mister."

He didn't realize that the voice was calling for him, so he hurried, but a hand grabbed him.

"Mister. I'm sorry- Mister... I think you lost this money." said the voice, but after Jungkook turned, he saw the boy who was dancing on the street a few minutes ago.

"No. I actually put the money there for you to use them." responded the boy looking surprised at him.

"But-... but sir, it's too much. I think you did a mistake."

"No, I didn't. Look, I'm actually running late so if you-..." tried Jungkook to explain, but the boy interrupted him.

"Then I can't accept this. It's too much, please take it back"

Jungkook sighed as the boy headed him the money to take it back. He was running late, the beautiful boy who was in front of him didn't accept his money and he didn't know what to do.

"Look. I want you to have a good and healthy dinner tonight. I gave you this money to do that, but if you don't want to take it, okay. I can work with that, but with one condition..." Jungkook was waiting for the boy's name.

"Jimin. Park Jimin, sir. What condition?"

"Jimin. The condition is simple. I take the money back, but you need to eat dinner with me, and I would not take a "no" as an answer. At 8 pm is okay?"

"I-... Yes, I'm free but-"

"Perfect. I would meet you here, in the same spot at 8 pm. Have a great afternoon Jimin." and with that Jungkook started running to his shop in hopes that he wasn't too late."


He was too late, but he made it in the end. After a long discussion with his sponsors, it was already 7 pm, so he decided to dress up and wait on the street he met Jimin, waiting for him. When the clock hit 8 pm, Jungkook knew that the boy would show up at any minute.

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