7 | Celebrity

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The year 2022

Jungkook never imagined that he would be a celebrity in his seventh life, but there he was, in front of him a contract and with a lawyer besides him. During the six lives he lived, he learned a lot, perfecting his dancing and singing skills. Now, at 25 he was already famous and was offered an opportunity to sign with a well-known company, Big Hit.

He decided to live his seventh life in peace, to do all the things he wanted and just... be happy. But never, never he would imagine meeting with the reincarnations of his past lovers. The first one he met was Namjoon, Bang Si-Hyuk's assistant.

The first day he met the CEO, and of course, Namjoon, Jungkook froze, looking shocked. Of course, he didn't expect to see him again, not after what happened, and deep down he prayed that Namjoon would remember him, but he was met with disappointment after the boy introduced himself, bowing respectfully. It was ridiculous for the boy to remember anything, especially how he died and why. Jungkook even rejoiced for a few seconds that he did not remember, even if somewhere in his soul he did not want to behave as if nothing had happened. But he knew that now that Namjoon was here, she could seduce him again and start a successful relationship this time. That was until the time came for his first dance training, where he reunited with Hoseok, now reincarnated as a choreographer.

"Hello, my name is Jung Hoseok and I will be your choreographer, nice to meet you, Jungkook-ssi." said the older boy, bowing respectfully.

"Ah, yes. Nice to meet you too, Hoseok-ssi."

"Please, call me Hyung."

After that, Jungkook was confused. Namjoon, and now Hoseok? He thought that maybe he could be with the boys at the same time, but it was almost impossible. So he decided to wait and see what the universe prepared for him. But after a month or so, he met Jimin. His Jimin.

Now, an idol, he needed to perform and for that, he needed backup dancers. An awful idea, in Jungkook's opinion. The moment Jungkook saw Jimin entering the room he froze, and then started laughing, everybody looked at him as he was crazy.

"Ah, the universe, what are you doing to me."

Jungkook was not dumb, he knew that if Hoseok, Jimin, and Namjoon were here, the rest of them were too, so that night he couldn't sleep, just thinking of a plan... A plan to make them fall in love with him again. That night he couldn't sleep well, thinking about the rest of the boys. He wanted to see Yoongi again, and Jin... He missed Taehyung. He thought that in his seventh life he would need to choose between them, a thing that Jungkook would never do. Not unless is the only way.

A week later, Yoongi was in front of him, now a producer. Jungkook was supposed to help him make a song, for his debut under BigHit, but now the boy was too distracted just looking at Yoongi.

"You are going to stare at me, kid? Or make some music?"

Of course, Jungkook knew that this was not his Yoongi. He did not remember Namjoon and Jimin didn't remember either. But he had an advantage. Maybe they are just the reincarnations of his lovers but their souls are the same. Their personalities are the same and with that, Jungkook knew already their week spots, where he could hit and make them fall in love with him.

It was hard, of course. And just... Stressful. But Jungkook didn't care. He wanted just one thing, he wanted to be selfish just for once. He wanted happiness, happiness that he could share with the rest of them. When he met Jin, he was sitting on a make-up chair, ready to go on stage. He couldn't say he didn't expect to meet them again, but he didn't expect to meet them in all sorts of situations. The boy was very nice to him, helping him get rid of his nerves, and Jungkook can say that he did an excellent job on stage thanks to Jin and his compliments.

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