5 | Mr. Jung

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The year 1968

Jungkook think his next life would be spent in a cemetery mourning his mother, but here he was, eyes full of tears, looking at the grave in front of him. In this life, the boy's mother was an exceptional woman and a great wife. He was the only child and now, that his mom was gone he felt empty. Why? No, he did love his mom from this life, but he was crying because he felt bad for Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin, and Jin, the boys he fell in love with, and the boys that probably cried because of his death. He felt that it was his fault that he died, that he gave Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi pain.

A few months ago, because of his job, he had the opportunity to discover what happened with his past lovers. The first one he discovered was Namjoon's. He knew already that he died on the front, fighting for his country but he didn't know how he died. Namjoon died hugging Jungkook's lifeless body, crying, and protecting the boy. He was shot in the head minutes later... Jungkook was glad in a way. He knew that Namjoon was heartbroken but at the same time, he didn't suffer as much as the other boys.

Jimin was next... He found out that after the boy run for his life he was rescued by an old man, a rich old man that left all his money to Jimin after he died. He was glad that the boy's future was bright, but inside, Jimin was heartbroken and soon after that he killed himself, too depressed to even care about the money he received. As he understood from an interview that year, Jimin was suffering after Jungkook and hoped that after he killed himself, he would see the boy in heaven again. Too bad, because Jungkook didn't go to haven.

About Seokjin... He didn't know for sure but, he saw somewhere that he became very depressed and after that, nothing. Nothing was known about him or his death, just that he died at 33 years old, the cause being unknown. Jungkook hoped that the boy didn't end up like Jimin or Namjoon, and he died peacefully and loved, with someone better than him, but deep down he knew that it wasn't the case. Seokjin was already 28 when they met, and when Jungkook died the boy turned 29, later he died at 33, four years after the tragedy.

Yoongi... Yoongi was a sensitive topic for Jungkook, maybe because he was his first love, or because he died right in front of his eyes. The difference between Namjoon and Yoongi was that Namjoon was not looking at Jungkook when he was shot, but Yoongi was looking in the boy's eyes when the sword hit him. He read something about him in a history book, something saying that after some time the king started to be more depressed and end up marrying a girl that his father recommended. He read that he refused to have an heir and his dad forced him to have one. The reason for the king's sadness was unknown, but he knew what had happened. His death. After an heir was conceived, the boy killed himself, drowning in the secret lake he and Jungkook used to spend their time in, and... the place where Jungkook died.

If he had to be honest, he could say that he was scared to fall in love again because all his previous relationships ended tragically, he decided not to fall in love with anyone in this life, just to avoid what happened to his past lovers. He wished that he could spend this life at pace, and maybe die old at 80 years old with his family by his side. He didn't expect to fall in love for the fifth time, but the universe has other plans.


A few weeks after, Jungkook was in front of a flower shop, right beside his workplace. He wanted to buy some flowers for his mom, and some for his lovers. In the past two years, he made a habit of buying a flower for every lost love, a flower that reminds him of that person. For Yoongi he bought a daisy because even if it's simple, the flower was little and white and innocent, innocent like the love between the two of them. For Jimin, he bought a buttercup, because the flower is yellow and very pretty and it reminded Jungkook of how Jimin was always so happy every time they met. As for Namjoon and Jin... an anemone and a rose. Why? The anemone flower is very delicate and little, and that reminded the boy about Namjoon's obsession with small and cute things. A rose is a basic flower, but at the same time is very elegant, exactly like Seokjin. He didn't buy flowers from that flowers shop, he used to buy them from an old lady but after she moved out of the city, Jungkook had to shop somewhere else.

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