8 | Epilogue

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     He waited a few months... And on the 13th of June, he dared to call them all to the Han River. Jungkook wanted to confess everything he knew, to recount all the memories made with them, or rather with their other versions. He wanted to tell them that he had fallen in love with them some time ago and that he was still in love with them, face to face.

     Standing in front of the mirror, he couldn't help but notice the way he looked. And at the same time, he couldn't help but notice the difference between how he looked in his six lost lives. Looking at himself, he could see his freshly dyed blond hair, and he couldn't help but think about hair he once had ... black. His eyes were bigger and he looked more mature. Even though he was only 25 years old, he felt much older, and the only argument he could make was that practically if he gathered all the ages he lived, he would be over 25.

     The painful memories he had were unfolding before his eyes, and somewhere deep down he hoped that his last life would not end like the others ... with him dead, and with the loves of his life, heartbroken.

"Don't leave me alone! Don't do this to me! Jungkook I lo-"

     No. He promised to himself that this life he would think positive... He wanted to forget all the bad memories and to remember just the happy ones. He hated how he abandoned his lovers, how he let them suffer on their own, without him by their side. Looking back, he regretted not being more confident, maybe that way he had a chance with Yoongi.

     "Hyung.... I-..I promise. In my... next li-..fe.... I'm gonna be as... cool as you, hyung. Don't cry...and be happy.... That's my last wish."

     Looking at himself, the promise he made years ago was fulfilled. Namjoon, or how Jungkook used to call him, Captain Kim, would be proud of him. Now he wasn't the weak and pathetic boy he once was, and looking in the mirror, he could see all the muscle he worked for. He was tall and broad. His past self would be proud of him... and Namjoon too, if he could remember.

     "I promise, in my next life, I'm going to be a great dancer like you."

     He was. Now, an idol, he learned how to move his body more fluently, he knew how to move on the beat, and most importantly, he had motivation... because every time he would start dancing, he would remember Jimin, and his beautiful smile. He felt bad for the boy, and for himself... in his six lives, the one he met Jimin was the only one he couldn't express his love for the boy more profoundly.

    "Hyung, that's... wow. I hope you can show me some of your work, I love poetry."

     He remembers all the poets Seokjin made for him... All the "I love you" that they shared. It was hard, remembering all of that and just... doing nothing about it. He wanted to say the same words when he died, but he couldn't... and that was one of his biggest regrets. That he couldn't say "I love you" to Seokjin for the last time.

    "For someone special? Maybe... a lover?"

     Jungkook wanted to laugh. His memories with Hoseok were so... magical. He was such a happy person and if would choose to spend an hour with just one of them, he would pick Hosoek. He missed his smile and all his silly jokes. He missed all his little pickup lines whenever he would receive a flower from him. His little ball of sunshine.

     "So that means that in your next life you are going to remember me? You are going to remember all of this?"

     Teahyung was smart. Very smart. But he was a dork, and that was hiding all of his intelligence. He wished that all of them would react as Taehyung did... But he wasn't so sure. He didn't regret telling him his secret, in fact, he has happy. Maybe... deep down he still wishes that Taehyung will come running at him, remembering all the adventures they have been thru together.

     Looking in the mirror for the last time, he left the house and walked to Han River. He was nervous. But he knew that whatever it was, he lived some beautiful lives, each with its own end and with its own flaws. He still didn't know the purpose of this last life he had, but he hoped he would find out about it with the help of the six boys he fell in love with. Even if they were his lovers again... or just friends.

     "Jungkook! Here!"


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First of all, I want to thank you with all my heart for supporting me for this long period of time. Thank you for commenting, thank you for leaving kudos and for subscribing. This book is over, and if you want me to make a oneshot sequel ... maybe? I'm not sure, but if you want this please comment, and that's how I'll figure out what I'm going to do.

Now I want to focus on my other book - Come Alive. If you don't know what it's about, I invite you to go see it on my profile. Is a book more based on yoonkook and teakook ... and that's about it :)

Thank you again for reading my story, and I hope you enjoyed it even if it wasn't who knows what. Fun fact: I've tried to write books before and I haven't finished eny so far, so basically this is my first book published and finished on ao3.

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