Surface Pressure

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"Norman said you were wringing your hands, but you only do that when you're nervous, so something's making you nervous-"

"Hey move," Wybie warned, cutting off Raz. "I'm kinda handling tools right now, and some of them are sharp-"

Raz groaned. "Wybie?!" He grabs the other boy's shoulder and whirls him around so they're face-to-face. "Will you just- Just tell us what it is!"

"Holding a blowtorch! There's really nothing to tell you-" Lili quickly interrupted.

"You're obviously hiding something! Look, if you know something about this Beldam chick, and shit goes wrong, and it gets worse 'cause you and Coraline won't tell us all what's going-!"

"NOTHING'S WRONG!" Wybie yelled. "OKAY?!" Hearing the tone he just used, and seeing the stunned look on the two's faces, he tries to play it off.

"Wow, uh, sorry. That, uh... That snuck out there... what I meant was, um... Why would anything be wrong? You know, we're all fine, there's no Beldam despite what you heard. Yeah, y-you know, I am totally not nervous!" As he says this, he wrings his hand.

Raz quirks an eyebrow at that little stim. "Um, are you sure? Because you're doing that thing-"

"I'm the mechanic, I can handle it!

I won't stop until the problem's fixed!"

He slams the hood of the Mystery Cart down and the vehicle springs to life as if it had never been damaged, underscoring his abilities.

Lili awkwardly chuckled. "Okay-"

"I'll build mansions, I'll build churches!

I'll do everything for whoever asks it..."

He says this while cracking his knuckles, and the sound is alarmingly loud despite him wearing gloves.

"Of course- Hey, don't leave us here," Raz admonished the cat, seeing it back away.

"I don't ask how hard the work is!"

He takes his wrench and hits it against the palm of his hand a couple of times.

"Got a rough and unbreakable surface!

Ask for diamonds and platinum!

To find 'em, to flatten 'em."

Then to their amazement, he bends the tool like it's nothing.

"I'll fix what I'm handed and break what's demanded!


Lili and Raz yelp as the ground cracks and breaks away before full-on screaming as they falls and land on... A tightrope? Raz is obviously in his element, but Lili? Not so much and she holds onto her boyfriend so she doesn't fall.

"Under the surface!"

Going against her instincts, Lili looks down and sees about a mile drop and a crowd of thousands watching from their seats. Quickly, she looks back up and sees Wybie across from them, holding up a balance beam with the other Mystery Kids on either side.

"I feel berserk as a tightrope walker in a three-ring circus!"

No longer to keep her balance, Lili falls with Raz going after her. The two prepare to use their powers to levitate, only to land in someone's arms. Seeing who it is, Lili looks back up, arching her eyebrow as she wondered how the curly-haired boy got here so fast.

"Under the surface!

Was Hephaestus ever like,

'Yo, I don't wanna fix your mess'?"

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