Descendants AU 2

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"Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

Raz looks up from his tablet and pretends to think, "Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah.", Coraline glares at him, "Magic wand, blah, blah-"

She whips her hair in his face, silencing him, "This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?"

Lili nods in agreement, "Yeah, let's do this already."

Coraline continues, "Alright Wybie, get out that eyeball."

With a nod, Wybie walks over to the blue messenger bag sitting on his bed, reaches in, and pulls out the Fates eyeball, still closed. Dipper and Mabel grimace at the sight of it.

Neil takes a closer look at the eyeball, "So... How does that thing work?", he asks.

Wybie looks embarrassed, "Oh. Well, I-I don't really know." Coraline groans, "Well, I've never actually used it before!" He exclaimed, then began examining the eye, looking for a way to activate in some way.

"Well, it has been closed for like a thousand years," Raz said with a shrug, "Try poking it, wake it up."

Wybie rolled his eyes at the dim witted villain kid's suggestion, "Raz, I'm pretty sure the Greeks would be more complicated than that."
Coraline snatches the eye out of his hand, much to his anger, "Hey!"

She starts poking at shaking it, "Come on, wake up!" The eyelid begins to flutter open; the pupil dilating in shock.

"Put it down!", Wybie shouted as he snatched the Fates eye out of her hands, "My dad's gonna have me cleaning Cerberus for eons if you damaged it!" He frantically looks over the eye, "Alright, looks okay." Off his glare, Coraline shrugs

"So, how does it work?", Norman asks

"... Take us to the wand..." The eye begins to move around in his hands before dropping to the floor. Wybie is about to pick it up, but the eyeball rolls out of the room, "Come on!"

The Isle Kids run after the eyeball, all the way out the hallway, the school, follow it all the way to a museum. The eyeball stops by a sign. Wybie picks it up and reads, "The Museum of Cultural History." The eyeball bounces out of his hands again. With an annoyed groan, they follow it again through many rooms filled with paintings of princes and princesses, magical artifacts, and then they make their way to a closed off entrance. On the other side is a security guard at his desk, guarding Maleficent's infamous spinning wheel and staring at the many monitors in front of him

"Great," Dipper whispered as kicks the iron gates, "dead end."

Lili scoffs, "That's Maleficent's spinning wheel?"

Raz cast the wheel an unimpressed look, "Yeah, it's kinda dorky."

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary.", Coraline stated before turning to Wybie, "Got the thread?" Reaching into his bag, Wybie pulls out a golden spool of thread, and a small black loom, "Nice."

Neil stared at the two objects with confusion, "What are those gonna do?"

"This is what the Fates used to control the destinies of Mortals," He explained as he began threading a needle, "If I use it right, I can control the guard's future and make it his destiny to prick his finger on the spindle."

Lili crosses her arms, "Well how long is that gonna take?"

"Not too long. While you were talking, I was halfway done." The Isle Kids, astonished, watched as Wybie created a small tapestry on the loom. His fingers moved quickly as the thread goes from a glowing gold to many different colors with each weave. Once he finished, the small tapestry depicted the security guard pricking his finger on the spindle

"... So what now?", Mabel asked, breaking the silence

"Give it a minute," was his response

The Isle Kids waited until finally, the guard woke up from his nap and began approaching the spinning wheel. He stared at it for a few seconds before poking the spindle with his finger and immediately falling to the floor with a thud

The Isle Kids, sans Coraline, commend Wybie on his work.

"Spinning wheel's not so dorky now, huh?" Coraline snarked

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