Chapter 7

130 6 0

" " = Talking

* * = Actions

' ' = Thoughts


On the last chapter we got a bit of Draken's backstory and how he met Mikey and Yoshinoya. Now at the warehouse Takemichi confronted Mikey and Moebius showed up to fight.


Takemichi POV

Takemichi: "Shit."

Takemichi: "The conflict between Toman and Moebius is about to start."



Yoshinoya POV

The members of Moebius surrounded us as Mikey confronted Osanai. Draken and Yoshinoya stood by while Mikey and Osanai had a stare down.

Mikey: "You had to bring all these guys to fight some middle school kids. I see you're exactly the piece of shit I imagined you to be, Osanai-kun."

Osanai: "What's that? Couldn't hear ya, you flea."

The Moebius members started to laugh while Yoshinoya and Draken were ready encase they fight. Takemichi was starting at Osanai lost in thought, so Osanai walked up to Takemichi.

Osanai: "Hey. Who the hell do you think you're gawkin' at?"

Takemichi: "Er, I was just..."

Osanai punched Takemichi in the face. Yoshinoya started to get slightly angry at this. Osanai then proceeded to continuously beat Takemichi.

Osanai: "You just tried to look down on me, didn't you? Those eyes are the kind I hate the most!"

Just then Pah stopped Osanai's punch.

Takemichi POV

Pah-chin: "You get to deal with me, jackass."

Takemichi still persisted, but Pah pushed Takemichi out of the way.

Pah-chin: "Stay out of this."

Peh-yan: "Don't underestimate Pah-chin, Hanagaki."

Peh-yan: "Pah-chin's one of the best brawlers Toman's got."

Peh-yan: "He doesn't care who he's up against. He'll go at them, fists ablaze, and take down a whole crew on his own. He'd never lose to Osanai."

Takemichi: "That's not the issue here."

Takemichi: 'If this doesn't stop, Draken's gonna die! That means Akkun and Hina will... I have to stop them!'

Mikey: "Takemitchy..."

Mikey: "Just sit back and watch. This is Pah's fight."

Pah went for a punch, but got punched by Osanai. Osanai started to land fast jabs to Pah's face.

Osanai: "What's the matter?"

Pah: "You asshole... Guess we've got a boxer on our hands."

Osanai landed a heavy blow to Pah's face causing blood.

Peh-yan: "Oh, shit! That him head dead center!"

Pah still managed to stand and smiled with no pupils.

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