-the addiction of salvation-

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If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough.

-Oprah Winfrey


I was trapped.
Everything around me felt fake.
Where the walls actually concrete?
Was the wooden floor just paper?
I watched the world slip around me at a young age and the only I could depend on my Kai.
Tho Kai..

I think he just made it.. worse


"Hah..haha." I laughed emotionlessly as I starred at the now black wall ahead of me. It was now not its nice pastel yellow color it was now consumed by the black roots. I was on the floor covered with a blanket, I stared at the wall mindlessly as it almost looked alive, the roots stretched and grew like tentacles.

I moved my hand to the bottle of pills and opened it and shakily looked down at the remaining ten pills I had left.
I poured two in my small hand before opening my mouth and swallowing the pills with a slight cough before weakly dropping the capsule of pills on the ground.

I weakly turned my head towards the wall and watched as the roots started to retract.
My eyes burned and my throat was dry, my lips chapped and the dreadfulness I felt all day was unbearable.
I was now 7.

Kai had celebrated my birthday with a cake and the music device I wanted..I was happy but the lingering feeling of knowing the roots are stalking me in the corner made me..a little too aware of my surroundings.

Kai still thought I was crazy and this all my imagination as I was still very young.


"L-leave.." I choked out as I glared at the roots crawling on the ceiling slowly. "Leave!" As I grabbed my hair as I breathed heavily. The roots then came in faster, I curled up as my eyes darted everywhere. I then felt something wrap around my leg. My eyes widened the root was wrapped around my leg.

I started flailing around and trying to get the roof off "GO AWAYY!!" I screamed as the root just tugged at my leg "LET ME GO!!" I screamed loudly in pain. Suddenly the roots started surrounding the walls and crawling on the floor a managed to stand up and I ran out the door with the root still attached to my ankle and leg.

"DAD!!" I screamed out loudly as I felt my eyes water the roots tugged I fell on the wall on my side and grunted and soon I saw Kai around the corner "Dad!!" He started walking faster and once he got near me my eyes widened as I felt the roots trail further up my leg.

I shakily looked behind me to see the roots fully covered my room. It was all black and scary.

I tried to limp to dad, as he ran and grabbed me. "DONT LET ME GO!" I begged as I held onto him as tightly as I can. "What's happening!?" And I gasped "t-the R-roots!" And his eyes softened "Izuku, theirs no roots your over thinking." And I looked down to see more roots and i shakily let go and stumbled back. I then accidentally stabbed my heel on something "AH!" I quickly looked at my heel to see blood and I shakily looked at Kai.

"Izuku, it's not real.." and my lips quivered.

The sound of the roots stretched and made freaky noises as I was afraid to look behind me. "Let's go to your room and we can talk," I kept shaking my head in fear as tears poured down from my eyes "no..no." And he was confused I could see it..

"P-please.." I whispered and he was about to take a step forward when I felt something yank on my leg and I fell down on my back. I then looked up to see the roots all over the ceiling. "A-ah." My eyes widened in fear as I looked at Kai.

"Izuku!" And I choked out a sob.
"AAAAAHHH!!!" I screamed loudly as I forcefully dragged on the floor by the roots by my leg. "LET ME GO!!" I pleaded I flailed around as I was quickly being dragged by the roots. "DAD!" And Kai came rushing towards me but he couldn't make it.


I was dragged into my room and thrown harshly against the wall. I could only imagine what Kai was seeing.

"G-GAH!" I gasped as blood came out of my mouth. "D-DAD!!*SOB* h-help me!!" I cried as I felt the roots under me. I shakily looked up to see Kai at the doorway with a terrified expression. "D-dad.."

I was dragged and thrown against the wall off roots like a rag doll. The roots started strangling me. I had hoped this was all a dream..
But nothing the less..it wasn't.


The sound of a monitor beeping filled the room as I opened my eyes to a bright light.  I groaned and tried to sit up but couldn't. "Ah!"
I hissed out in pain. The doors immediately opened to see Kai their with a worried expression. "Dad!" I cried and he came over rushing and hugged me. I gripped on his shirt and cried loudly. "T-they hurt me!" I cried.

And he rubbed my back. "Izuku..you overdosed.." and I froze. "W-what..?".

"You had been so paranoid that the roots you where explaining where real, that you overdosed on the pills I gave you to calm down the imagining."

"B-but it felt so real.. you where their! they grabbed me and dragged me into the room!" And he sighed. And tilted my head up to him.
"Izuku, your not crazy, you have a disorder."


Delusional disorder;
A disorder ..serious mental illness called a psychotic disorder. People who have it can't tell what's real from what is imagined. Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder..

Yeah. Delusional disorder..
It was previously called paranoid disorder..but.they changed it.

When the doctor tested me he told me to take a new kind of medication for this kind of thing, but this time I'd be supervised by Kai.
When I took my last medication it was supposed to ease my emotions and the imagination. But since I overdosed..it fucked up my mind making it worse since the medication had a small amount of a calming drug in it which when I took too many made me high.

...so delusions and imaginating things ..got a lot more worse and acceptable to seeing.

The only theories they have is too why I had it was maybe cause of my past trauma and always paranoid actions. And I agree with them, I mean from being bullied and abused and even raped..I wouldn't be super surprised if I came out with a mental disorder or two. . .


"Izuku come here.." I walked over to him and he picked me up in his arms and hugged me as I wrapped my legs around him and rested my head on his shoulder tiredly. "Let's go get you some food, all that testing must made you very drained" and i hummed in response to weak to really anything.

"I can't imagine how afraid you where back then..I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner." And I gripped his back tightly "it wasn't your fault.." my voice came out muffled and he nodded.

"Here, I'll get some katsudon for you, and we can watch tv together if that sound alright?" I looked at him and smiled "okay."


Authors note:

Oop- okay I know I said this will get better..and it is! I'm just getting the fucked up ideas out first then moving on to all good life.

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and have a good day or night loves❤️❤️🥰🥰😍😘💋

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