Party Time

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The two boys arrived on Nepeta's doorstep and begin to knock. The door opens and a wave of music hits them. Laughter and other signs of a party greet the two boys as they enter the room. To their left is a circle with most of the other trolls and beta kids. They seem to be playing a kind of game, which Karkat chooses to avoid. A familiar voice calls over for them to play. Dave begins to walk over and Karkat states that he will be getting a drink. Karkat never was one for the stereotypical party games. He always thought they ending up with someone embarrassed, which they usually do. As he enters the kitchen, Karkat is greeted my one of his friends, Gamzee. Gamzee says some nonsense about miracles and goes back to his conversation with Tavros. On the counter are a few types of human drinks and Faygo. He grabs a random one, making sure to not grab the red beverage the Capricorn is obsessed with -he absolutely hates the drink- and heads back into the room with all the other people. The game called "Truth or Dare", or some shit, is in full swing. One of the first thing he notices is that Sollux is in a princess dress and Eridan in a maid's outfit. This makes him laugh. But not a full hearted laugh, kind of a larger exhale of breath through the nose. He locates Dave and sits next to him asking what is going on and who's turn it is. Dave informs him and slips his arm over the smaller boy's shoulders. A few turns go around and dares and truths are exchanged. Karkat let's out a joyful sigh, thinking he is off the hook. But just as he thought he was in the clear, he hears his name.

" Karkat, truth or dare?" He soon registers the voice as John's. He looks up at the black haired kid's bucktoothed smile and intelligently replies with,
"Huh?" The room fills with laughter at the troll's moment of stupidity.

"It's your turn, so, truth or dare?" John says.

"Oh... Umm..." Karkat suddenly panics about what to choose and goes with the safe answer of truth. Since it's his first time through the game, no one gives him much crap about whimping out. John dramatically rubs his chin and makes a thinking noise that comes out as a 'hmmmmmm'.

"Karkat, what is one thing you do that people would find embarrassing? And if you don't answer I'm asking Dave." John flashes a smile after his statement.

"Ummmmm..." Karkat looks at the ground and searches his brain for an answer. Ideas race past but he just can't grasp one.

"Okay, so Dave, will you answer the question for the incapable?" Karkat looks at the blonde, challenging Dave to answer. He shows his signature mischievous smirk and begins to answer.

"Well, John, Karkat- hmph-" Dave is suddenly cut off by the small troll's hand that suddenly covers his mouth. He pries the hand off and tries to finish.
"Karkat enjoys to-" Once again, Dave as been stopped but none other Karkat. Dave stares daggers at him and he slowly removes his hand before whispering,

"As I was saying... Karkat enjoys to..." He shoots a glance at Karkat and smiles, "sleep in my god tier cape and such." Growling noises come from the now angry troll and he punches Dave in the bicep. A few turns later Karkat calms down. By the time the game was over, everyone had lost a little piece of their dignity. People started piling into their cars, and eventually Dave and Karkat leave. On the way home, Karkat accidentally fell asleep in the car. Out of his sheer adorableness, Dave takes a few pictures before bridal style picking him up and carrying him inside.

Sorry it's late. Hope you enjoy it. I'm running on out of ideas, so if you want the story to continue, you should drop some chapter ideas. :)

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