Just a fill in fluff

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The two were laying on the couch together one Friday night. That seemed to basically be what they mostly did in their spare time. Just snuggle, possibly watch a movie, maybe go out. But the warmth of the other was enough for them. Karkat was laying atop Dave, their stomachs pressed together. The steady movement of the blonde's chest slightly pushed the smaller boy with it. Dave did make fun of Karkat's height-or lack of- but the cute way that his feet dangled off of Dave's leg around mid-calve was adorable. Karkat's head was pressed against Dave's shoulder, occasionally kneading into him. Soft purrs could be heard from the troll as Dave rubbed his back and head. The couple did occasionally fight, like all couples do, but moments like these were why they hadn't given up. The two bickered sometimes but with the cuddle sessions the sometimes confusing relationship was worth it. They knew they would go at incredible lengths just to keep the other. Because they loved each other. Not like some petty love that went away after a while. No, they really did love each other. And even if sometimes they didn't show it as much, it was obvious they wanted to be together. And hopefully forever.

Unrequited Love? Maybe Not. (DaveKat)Where stories live. Discover now