I plan to rewrit this

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Hey everyone! 🥰

I want to rewrite this book. Why? Mainly because I wrote this during season 2 and when I was not caught up. I won't delete this though, for the sake of everyone who likes Chloe and Felix, and well, if y'all like taking a glimpse in a time capsule during this phase of your life. I don't like Lila AT ALL and I don't like Chloe and Felix anymore due to season 4. I wanna rewrite this book, making it take place during season 5. A lot will change and a lot will remain. Changes like, Chloe ain't part of the team, Felix is no longer a good guy. Marinette's family drama and the MHA references stay however. I just wanna know if you guys are fine with that.

Also, I'll do that while updating my other story Fallen For You at the same time.

So uh...have a picture. 🤗


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