Day-5 Neighbors AU

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It was summer vacation. Every kid's favorite time but not for Kongpob.

Kongpob was also happy when the summer vacation started because he can play a lot without his mom's nagging and spend more time at his favorite place.

Everything shattered when he learned that his favorite place wouldn't be his anymore.

A twelve years old kongpob looks at his neighborhood which faces his house longingly. Ever since he can remember that house was empty. He always used to sneak into the compound so that he could sit on his favorite mango tree.

This compound had a huge mango tree with lots of branches so it was easy for him to climb on the tree. Kongpob always loved to gaze at the stars while enjoying the cool night breeze. It was his favorite hang out spot. Whenever he feels sad or when his mom scolds him he would come and sit on the tree. This tree always makes him feel better.

The previous owner of the house doesn't live here but somewhere in the city near their workplace but they had appointed a cleaner for the house who cleans the compound every week so the compound was never dirty.

Kongpob was dejected when he learned that the house was sold to another family and they will come to live there within a week. He even saw them shifting their furniture and other things to the house for a week, now it's only them left to arrive.

Kongpob was standing in front of his house while hanging on his gate. While looking at the house, he suddenly sees a red car entering his favorite compound.

First two middle aged couples get out of the car and then a tall fair boy exits from the car.

Kongpob observed the boy, he looked 16 years or more. He is tall, taller than P' Bright who is his favorite cousin.

Suddenly that tall boy looks at him and gives a mocking smirk at him. Then he turned around to talk to the old couple who he assumed were his parents.

Kongpob frowns and sticks his tongue outside when the boy turns around.

Then he noticed the youngster carrying something from the car. Kongpob concludes that the object was a sleeping child based on its shape.

Kongpob was moping in his room later that evening mourning the loss of his favorite place when his mother called him from the living room.

Kongpob lazily walks out of the room and sees a woman and a young boy sitting in his living room. Kongpob frowns when he sees that the kid is holding his favorite toy car.

"Mom" Kongpob calls his mother furiously.

"Kong, come here and meet our new neighbors, aunty Rojnapat and her son say hi to nong"

"Mom, why is he holding my toy?" Kongpob whispers to his mother.

Kongpob's mother chuckles awkwardly glancing at the mom son duo "you wasn't playing with it for a while and he was looking at the toy so I just gave him"

"No mom, that's my favorite car. P'Btight gift it to me I won't give that to anyone else. I want it back,"Kongpob says stubbornly.

When Kongpob's mother was about to reprimand him, a little voice interrupted them.

"It's ok aunty I don't want this. I don't like this type of toy. I was wondering who used such an old toy and you gave it to me. I was sad that I had to play with this now it's ok you can take it back" the kid says beaming happily while giving back the car.

Kongpob fumes in anger, the nerve of the kid. The kid not only bought his favorite place but also now he is insulting his favorite toy.

Kongpob marched towards the kid angrily and pinched both his chubby cheeks, hardly making the kid scream in pain.

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