Just an Information

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So Accelerator Here Didn't meets last order yet and he has no brain damage

And he will be attending to one of the prestigious school 

Advance Nurturing High School where he is going to spend his 3 years 


Accelerator POV :

So I'm just doing my old routine as always 

Walk.drink black cofffe,beat someone's ass

But then I heard something that caught my attention

About a certain school

Advance nurturing school or ANHS

It it said that it's full of catch and surprises and full of strange people or let's jst say elites 

But of course I didn't trust this rumors however every morning I always heard this rumor have grown big so I give it a thought and decided to join.....

However one of the requirements make my entrance exam hard

And that stupid question was...

You're Name:

I tried to do Accelerator however every academy city knows who I am so I decided to create a fake name and that is Y/N L/N 

Which is gonna be useless because some shitty third string saw me enrolled and report it to someone...and after that

 I was accepted well after some days aleister heard this so he warned the chairman of this school that the "strongest esper will join to your school"

Bet that shit is trembling from fear..

After some day I'm here at the bus sitting near in the window

However some shitty phenomenon happened...


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