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I ran downstairs to the main door of the house all dressed up.
He calls out to me ,flashing me his million dollar smile.
"Yaya,sannu da zuwa",I greeted moving closer to him,a smile planted on my face.

"You have been too busy on your phone,I wonder if you would have even concentrated on driving,had I let you drive,"Yaya scolds Anee.

"Sorry Yaya,"she muttered.
"Fine,let's go inside."

We went in as Baba Maigadi brought in Yaya's luggages from the car.

"Babanaa!",Mami shouts coming from the kitchen.

"Mamiina!, he says running to give her a hug.
Sannu da zuwa Babana(welcome home my dad).
Mamii calls Yaya Ahmad Babana as he is named after her late Dad.

"How was Canada?Do you eat well?Do you sleep on time?You have lost alot of weight,do you even eat properly?"
Mamii continues scolding and we all couldn't help but smile.

"Mamii calm down,"Yaya says wrapping his arms around her shoulder.

"Ok,now go freshen up,there will be lots of surprises on the dining table."

"Whoa,the aroma is to die for,I'll quickly go and freshen up",he says running to his own side of the house.
We were all seated on the dining table waiting for Yaya,he will literally die out of joy when he finds out Abba is also coming home.
He has no clue about it.

Sani,our driver went to pick Abba up from the airport.

Immediately we heard the car horn,we ran to the main compound,Abba was already out of the car looking all handsome in his dark blue kaftan,he was not wearing a cap.Abba looks so much like my late father and Yaya Ahmad,they are all tall, a little dark skinned,a pointy nose and a visibly strong body figure.Yaya and Aneesa have beautiful dark hair,mamii is a dark skinned arab,she and Abba met in saudi when they went for Hajj and Abba fell in love at first sight,Mami is an arab but she lived in kano since she was 10,so she speaks hausa really well.

"Abba oyoyo!"
We ran to him in full speed and gave him a big hug.
"These girls,when will you grow up?"
"Why does everybody say that,"Anee and I say in chorus.

And we all burst into laughter.

"Abba!" Yaya screams excitedly as he reaches the dining area,he hugged him so hard Abba was out of breath.
Leave my old husband alone,Mamii scolds.

"Abba when did you come back?Did you reach here before me?Why didn't you tell me you were coming?they were all aware of your arrival?"He bombarded Abba with questions till he ran out of breath and we all laughed at his childlishness.
"Calm down my boy,we just wanted to surprise you on your return."
"Oh yes I'm surprised",Yaya says sarcastically.
"Duh you are,"Abba says .

We all burst into laughter.
"Abba nickelodeon ka fara kalla?(Abba have you started watching nickelodeon)"
Anee asks in fits of laughter.
After a few minutes of chit chat,we settled to have our dinner,I made all the appetizers,main dishes and desserts,except for the wainar flour(traditional pancake)Mamii assisted me with because it's Yaya's favorite dish.

Thank you

Blessing in disguise:A Hausa Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now