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"Hanan!" Ahmad whisper yells,coming close to her.
"Can you see me?"
Edward asks as he checks her heartbeat,adjusts the IV fluid tape on her arms.

Hanan slowly attempts to move her head but fails miserably.
"Its ok,you shouldn't move."

"Ooo..ok,"Hanan says with great effort.

"The slurred speech,and weak nervous system is all normal after such surgeries Hanna,so don't worry".It can take 4 to 8 weeks to recover from surgery,you will be in the hospital for 2 to 3 days maximum,Your cuts may be sore for about 5 days after surgery.You may also have numbness and shooting pains near your wound". Eddie says smiling warmly at his patient.

"Ahmad will explain better,now get some rest,you regained consciousness quicker than we had presumed."

"I'll send the nurses if you need anything."
And with that Edward excuses himself from the ICU.

"Yaya? "Hanan says with great effort.
Seeing how she struggles to utter a word shatters him.
He couldn't control it anymore as his eyes well up.

"Hanee,Alhamdulillah you are ok!" You scared the hell out of us all"
"Don't worry about your body weakness,it's a part of the healing process."
"Alhamdulillah",he repeats slightly squeezing her hand a little.
Despite her condition,she tries to squeeze her hand out gently,noticing that, Ahmad quickly releases her hand.

"Are you having any discomforts?"

"Yes,I have a painful migraine,and I can't fully feel my fingers."
"These are all normal discomforts because the surgery had to do with your brain."
"My brain!?"Hanan asks alarmed.

"Yes,I'll explain later,rest up ok?"

"I have to pray Isha,its already past 10, I will pray and we will facetime with Mamii,ok?"

"But where are they?"Hanan asks looking at him.

I have got lots of explaining to do.
How do I even begin explaining that we are a couple now?

"They are at home,rest up Hanan please",he says pleadingly.
"Ok,"she says with a very weak smile.
The smile,Alhamdulillah.

"Mamii stop crying please,this is a happy occasion," Yusuf says on the conference video call.
Mamii,Aneesa,Naeema,Khadija(Hanan and Naeemas classmate)together on Aneesa's ipad,Mujaheed,Anty Bilki are all on the call.
Hanan couldn't help but smile at the love from her family and friends.
She still dosen't know she isn't in Abuja.

"Let her rest now guys,"Ahmad says moving his tablet from Hanan's gaze.
"She needs full bed rest for the next 2 to 3 weeks."
"Babana I'm proud of you my son."
Ahmad smiles genuinely at his mom.
"Take care of Hanan ok,"Anty bilki who is also tearing up says.
"Don't worry,she needs about 3 days in the hospital and we will fly back in about 2 weeks."
"May Allah grant her quick recovery,they all say in chorus."
"And may you be back safely."
Alhaji Kabir's call came in 2 minutes after,he informs Ahmad about how drugs were found in Khalil's car,Ahmad knows deep down that something was not right with Hanan's accident,her injuries points that she jumped off a car. But he will certainly get to the bottom of it all. Hanan kept wondering why Abba was giving her the talk on how to be patient with whatever life throws at her,"accept your qadr with full faith my dear",were his final words before he hung up.

"Yaya",Hanan calls out softly.
"Yes,"Ahmad says looking straight into her eyes and she lowers her gaze.
He can't help but notice her discomfort with him alone.
"Why are you here alone?"
"Hanna! How are you feeling? Any soreness between your forehead and eyes?"
Edward barges into the ICU interrupting Hanan.
"Alhamdulillah,its getting better".
She has noticed that most of the nurses in the hospital have thick American accents. This was definetly not Yaya Ahmad's cardiology medstar hospital,she thought.
"We will have to monitor you for the next 2 to 3 days before we become neighbors,"Eddie says not realizing the weight his words carry.
"Neighbors?"Hanan asks with a smile.
And Ahmad gives Eddie a stop talking now!look and Eddie understood it was his cue to excuse himself.
"Hanan you have to eat something,Ahmad says bringing out the burger and banana milkshake from the red package. You can have food."
"Yay! "Hanan says looking at the burger.
"Let me help you up,"Ahmad says supporting Hanan's hand and lower back.
With great effort,she sits up,her swollen face making her look cute.
Within few minutes,Hanan was done with her burger,but couldn't have the milkshake ,complaining she has no appetite after devouring a whole double decker burger.
"Ok,don't have it ",Ahmad says with a chuckle.

Blessing in disguise:A Hausa Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now