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"Amazing idea,"Ahmad says getting his car keys from the table.
Yaya Ahmad ina yini,Hamida,Yusuf's younger sister greets as she comes down from the stairs.

Hamida ya kike,Ahmad asks suddenly remembering what Abba said earlier.
Ya ilahi,what has gotten into Abba?
Would you like to come along ? Ahmad asks.
No way is my little sister coming with me on our triple date ,Yusuf whines,he is such a baby.
Who said its a date? Ahmad says trying to keep a straight face............Hamida is coming with us,,lets go Hamida.

Anee,tell bro to get ready, you guys will be going out with me and Hamida,be ready in half an hour,Mujahid will meet us at the venue with Naeema.
Don't mention Ahmad,Yusuf says entering Ahmad's Mercedes Benz Gl3 class,while Hamida takes his car to afford more space later.
Why are you glaring at me? know she will refuse to come if you are to be mentioned,come to think of it you two haven't really seen each other after you confessed your feelings right?
You are right .............unfortunately.
Let's go,boy.
If you call me boy again,I am not driving,Ahmad says with a frown.
Ok I'm sorry,Yusuf replies laughing.

Gosh you look too excited babe,Anee teases.

I sure am,I have too many things to worry about I need a break.Hanan says tying the belt on her kimono.
You sure do,committing yourself to an arranged marriage you arent really willing,and getting to know that your cousin brother is madly in love with you is sure a complete mess.

How did you know that?Hanan asks shock visible in both her face and voice.
I kind of knew from the beginning,I mean since we were in secondary school,but I kind of heard Yaya's confession.
Ya Allah,if only Yusuf can be this serious and romantic,she says sighing dreamily.
Drama queen,Hanan says with a smile.

But don't worry sis,you wanna talk about it?
Not now really,well talk later,ok?Hanan smiles assuringly.
As you wish your highness,Anee says smiling warmly.
Just then ,Aneesa's phone rings and she picks up.
Babe,Yusuf says earning a deathly glare from Ahmad,we are outside the main gate,hurry up ,ok.
Ok,we're on our way.

Lets go,they're here,Anee says and they both jump downstairs to the main gate.
Brooo,Yusuf shouts as he sights both of them coming outside the gate,he gets out of the car to drive his with Anee and Hamida,giving Hanan and Ahmad some space.

Where are you off to? Aren't we all leaving together?Hanan asks Aneesa who was busy lost in her own dream world with yusuf.
Yusuf,Hamida and I will leave in Yusuf's car,you and someone will leave in this car,and Mujahid will meet us there with Naeema,ok? Bye
Aneesa says fastening her speed to Yusuf's car.

Hiiii,Hanan says entering the car,unaware of who is driving.
Hiiii sweetheart,he says with a smile.
Aneesa fooled me.
You and someone,damn I feel so uncomfortable.

Hey,don't tense up,please,relax I won't eat you up
Let's be cool ok?

Ok,Hanan mutters under her breath but enough for Ahmad to hear.
Soooo,you never told me about your wedding.
You like him?

Yes,I do,Hanan says,her voice clearly stating how unsure she is.
As you say,Ahmad replies his voice laced with hurt.
Let's listen to some music,Hanan says connecting the car radio bluetooth to her phone.
As you wish your royal highness,Ahmad says making Hanan clear her throat a little and he laughs.

They all arrived at CILANTRO ABUJA almost at the same time.
They already made a reservation ,and they had the best time in a long time.


No, General it's not like that,I'll be back tomorrow inshaAllah and we will have the official introduction by God's grace,I hope that's ok with you.

Alhamdulillah,it is very much ok,General Abdullahi Muqadas says from the other end of the phone.
Allah ya kaimu,he says and he hangs up the phone.

Mamii,Abba calls out as he dosen't call Mamii with her name,because she has his mother's name.
Naam,she says sitting close to him,he just got back from Italy.
The official introduction will be made tomorrow inshaAllah,make all the preparations please.
Ok,I wanted to talk to you about something.
What is it?
Do you really think we are not forcing Hanan into all of this,Mamii asks worry evident in her voice
I swear I will never force my daughter into anything,even if she stops the wedding now,I promise you it is over,she accepted this proposal herself,so don't worry,Hanan is not a child,she knows what is good for her future,so just prepare for tomorrow ok?
I feel much better now,Mamii says sighing heavily.

So,give me a hug for making you feel better,Abba says giving Mamii a hug as they hear the car coming into the house.
I think they are back,Mamii says going back to the kitchen.
Tell them all to meet me now,Abba yells.


The ride with Yaya Ahmad was so uncomfortable I can't even feel my face,but he always has a way of making me feel safe and comfortable.
The ride back home was much more comfortable as we both pretended the other day never happened.
Abbanku ya dawo ,yana kiranku duka(your dad is back and he wants to see all of you)Mamii says as the three of us enter the kitchen.
I notice how Yaya's mood suddenly change as we make our way to Abba's main parlour.
Salamu alaikum we all say in chorus.
Alaikumussalam,Abba answers as he reduces the volume of the TV.
Kun dawo?(you are back?)
Eh Abba,Anee and I answer as Yaya sits next to me.
Yusuf and Khalil's family are making the official introduction tomorrow inshaAllah so get ready.
Aneesa's eyes went wide as saucers,Abba da gaske? she asks unable to hide her exvitement.
I guess Yusuf wanted to surprise you, Abba says with a smile.
Yaya was just seated rooted to his spot his gaze fixed upon me.
Hanna,as Abba sometimes calls me
Naam,I try to fake a smile but fail miserably.
Are you okay with the date.
Yes,I am Abba,I say as I fix my gaze to the floor.
Excuse me,Yaya says standing up
Where are you going to in such a hurry?
I have an important surgery in an hour,I have to go,we will talk about the introduction and all that when I get back,he says looking at me with so much love in his eyes.
I dont even know the guy I'm getting married to,this is a disaster,all I know is that Khalil is his name.
You can all leave,amaren gidanmu Abba says smiling warmly.
We both smile and leave the parlour.
I just want to be alone at that particular moment so I went straight to the balcony,the lights on the way to the balcony were off and I felt a strong hand gripping my arms and pinning me to the wall.

Hey amazing people.
I'm just very happy with the little progress I am making,and I'm sincerely thankful to everyone who has read,voted or commented so far.

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Blessing in disguise:A Hausa Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now