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Alhamdulillah,MashaAllah are being heard all around the mosque.
The wedding fatiha has been conducted.
Hanan Umar Matawalle is officially Ahmad Kabir Matawalle's wife,Alhamdulillah.
"Congratulations man,Allah ya bada zaman lafiya,Allah ya bata lafiya",Yusuf,Mujahid,Sadeeq,Sultan and some of Ahmad's close friends,cousins and acquaintances say in chorus. The only people Yusuf and Sadeeq were able to contact and inform them about the wedding fatiha in such short notice,it all came as a shock to most people.
"Ameen Ameen",was all Ahmad kept repeating.
He can't explain the feelings of mixed emotions he is going through,to say he is happy is an understatement,but the fear and anxiety is taking control of his emotions.
Hanan is now his wife,his responsibility,his firstlove,now his only focus is her full recovery,she is the only person that can tell them how she got into this major accident. Deep down he hopes Hanan will accept him wholeheartedly as her husband despite being married to him while she was unconscious,he hopes she will be willing to spend the rest of her life by his side as his wife.
"Alhamdulillah I'm happy you decided to do as I had ordered you to"Alhaji Kabir says smiling warmly at his son who is dressed in a crystal white coloured kaftan with a simple babban riga which compliments his slightly dark toned skin.
I'm happy too Abba,Allah yasa hakan shi yafi Alkhairi"
"Ameen,"they say together.
You should be ready to leave tomorrow"
"Yes I am,everything is ready as well".
"Your Mom and I will follow you after a few days"

At the hospital

"Salamu alaikum" Ahmad says as he closes the door to the ER where Hanan is laying on the bed with different tubes connected to her body.
"Alaikumussalam ango kasha qamshi"Anty Bilki says with a sad smile as Ahmad gives her and Aneesa a side hug. Mamii has been home since last night getting Hanan's stuff ready.
Both Anty Bilki and Aneesa excused themselves from the room,leaving only the newly weds.
He slowly drags his feet to the edge of the bed and he pulls a chair and sits holding Hanan's right hand in his.
"Hello" he says and smiles sadly.
"We are married now Hanan,you are now my wife."
"What a catastrophic wedding this has been ,"he says and chuckles a little.
"Get well soon ok,let's build a brand new life together,"and he places a soft kiss on her forehead.
She looks so weak,yet her strong vibe is still present however the situation she may be in.
How he wants to hear her laugh,watch the way she smiles warmly,watch how excited she gets when she's watching kdramas.
Ya Allah grant my wife a quick recovery.
Wow! She is now my 'wife'
I'll get used to it with time.

His phone rings and he answers the call.
"Yes Mamii,i will be home in a few minutes",and with that he stands up releasing Hanans hand with caution,as if he is scared she will run away.

"You are here,come in" ,Mamii says to Ahmad as she adjusts her position to make space for him beside her on the sallaya(praying mat).
"Come here",she says patting the space beside her.
"Babana,you are now a fully responsible,complete man.
You have a responsibility towards your wife and your family."
"Treat your wife with utmost love and respect,respect her likes,dislikes,her opinions,her privacy,her mood swings,tolerate her little tantrums and learn to always be patient just like you have always been."
Mamii says to her son as she starts tearing up.
"Aww,dont cry mamiina".
"This fully grown ass man here will do exactly as you said by Gods grace,dont cry you will age faster and Abba will start losing interest",Ahmad says earning a smack from Mamii,and they both laugh. Its been a while since both of them have laughed so genuinely.

"Your flight is in 2 hours right? Alhaji Kabir asks as he and Ahmad step out of the mosque after the Subh prayer".
"Yes,everything is ready,we will leave for the airport in an hour."
"Ok, I hope you are not angry with me my son."

"How can I be Abba,I know you are doing all this in our best interests."
"Thanks for understanding ny son,when Hanan is fully recovered I know she will also understand things from my perspective inshaAllah. We will get to the bottom of the accident situation."
"Take care of your wife Ahmad,you are 32 years old,mature enough to be able to be responsible for your wife."
They both head into the main house,Ahmad heads to Hanans room as she was brought back home with 2 nurses and all medical facilities she will need for the night,she is now off the oxygen as her pulse is now back to normal.
The nurses excused themselves as Ahmad enters the room,Aneesa was praying beside the bed,she slept beside Hanan.
"Hey Sis,"Ahmad says as he sits beside Hanan on the bed,his right hand in hers.
"Naam Yaya,are you alright?" I mean you are going through alot these days."
"Im coping Sis,you know how awesome i can be when it comes to coping with such situations".
"May Allah grant Hanan a quick recovery,i cant believe you two are now married."
"I know right",Ahmad says and they both chucke softly.
"Come back soon ok"
"Come home soon with a bouncing,bubbly healthy Hanan so you can start making babies",Aneesa says with a naughty grin.
"Having wild thoughts already?a month to go before your wedding Hajiya,so brace yourself",Ahmad says with a funny frown and she winks.
"You are becoming too naughty for my liking,you and Yusuf are a perfect match."
"I have to get ready",Ahmad says standing up.

Blessing in disguise:A Hausa Love StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin