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"You are stupid Kookie, but I love my stupid Kookie ".

Well, they are arguing if little Taehyung Have to Address Jung kook as a Hyung, Because Jungkook is 6 years elder than Taehyung. Right now Jungkook is 12 years old Kid going to hit 13 in less than 5 months whereas our little Taehyung is only 6 years old squishy fluff ball. Taehyung is literary a teddy bear with rosy cheeks and strawberry-like pink lips. And you know what Jungkook loves to cuddle with his Tae Tae. He also calls him Tae bear. Besides Taehyung's grandparents, no one is allowed to call Taehyung by this name. Jungkook does not love to be addressed as Hyung by the little Tae Tae, He considers him as his lover. But unfortunately, Taehyung is not able to know the real meaning of lover but he thinks he will not able to live without his Googie. Most of the nights when Jungkook's parents argue or when domestic violence takes its almost pick in his household he knocks on the doors of Kim's and ends up cuddling with little tae along with Taehyung's grandparents in their room. Taehyung is the comfort Jungkook wants, Taehyung is the peace Jungkook want to feel and Taehyung is the Angel Jungkook has poured his life to worship him.

"After we grow up mmmmhhh... Will, you marry me Tae!"

"Well You have to take permission from Namjoonie Hyung"

"If he rejects me!"

"Kookie you are an idiot. Our family will never go against the Jeon Family. You are our masters. We have to obey you for a lifetime. He will surely agree with you and apart from that I will never marry another person besides my googie".



Giggles and laughter have been heard across the garden where two Kids are sitting holding hands. They are so pure and innocent to realize the concept of marriage. according to these little munchkins For married couples have to stay beside each other for a lifetime, And they want to stay with each other for the rest of their lives. But if they knew that this promise will be kept by them forever.

Two years later the promise>

"Googie what happens? why are you crying? Who makes you cry? I will punish them."

"Tae Mom has been taken to the hospital. Dad hit mom. I-I could not able to protect her. They are saying they will not able to protect my mother."

"No no Kookie nothing wrong will happen with Mrs Jeon. she will be okay. Please stop crying I am here with you. "

"Promise me You will stay with me."

"Promise for the rest of my life."

That night Jungkook lost his mother. He only cried once. He stays in his room for 1 month without stepping a foot outside. Only his grandfather and Taehyung are allowed to visit him. But Taehyung has to come when Mr Jeon aka Jungkook's biological father is not around in the house. Actually, the Kim family is not allowed to visit the Jeons without permission. But Jungkook's mother was not like them. He loves and adores Taetae just like Jungkook. She loves to keep both the child with her. She tugged them along with her wherever she went.

After a few months, Jungkook is becoming very rude to all the people except his grandpa and Taehyung. Taehyung is going to be 9 this December. He has so many plans but he also knows His Kookie will not able to make it as he has to travel with his grandfather to the US. But His Kookie has promised him to celebrate new year's eve with him. But little did Taehyung know this new year's eve will change his life upside down.

31st of December >

Taehyung has been waiting for his Kookie for the last two weeks. He wants to share all the stories about his birthday and wants to see his gifts with Jungkook because he still did not open any wrap of any of the gifts. As a 9 years old child it is a huge sacrifice and requires huge self-control to do that. His Namjoonie Hyung suggests he open at least the gifts of his family members. But little stubborn Taehyung will not violate one of the rules of Taekook " Whatever is yours it's mine too."

Jungkook has arrived but a blonde foreign girl also has come with him to Visit Taehyung. For the first time, Taehyung feels a tug in his little chest or maybe the organ under the chest. Or the hormones. Jungkook introduced that girl Eva as his best friend from the US! Well someone is clearly not happy with this new best friend of Jungkook. He is jealous. That night younger did not talk with Jungkook and misbehaved with every person who wants to approach him for any reason. He even did not eat his supper and went to bed with his teary eyes and rosy cheeks.

The next day Jungkook visit Taehyung. And made it clear to Taehyung that the girl called Eva is only a friend to him but Taehyung is all he has. No one will take the place where Taehyung is ruling. And Jungkook also promised him only he is allowed to do whatever with Jungkook and nobody will going to ask a question about it. According to Jungkook, Taehyung is his Guardian Angel.

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