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"Kookie today Jiminie Hyung is coming you know! I am very excited to meet him"


"Why are you looking like a grumpy old man! Are you still mad at me? I promised that I will never repeat the mistake!"

'The Mistake' is that 12 years old Taehyung visits one of his friend's home without informing Jungkook. It was Jungkook who made this rule for Taehyung to inform him whenever and wherever he is going so he can come along with him for safety purposes. Taehyung's Lil brain did not process what kind of protection he needs and from whom? He and his family do not have any kinds of enemies as such or his grandparents did not inform him about this at all so it was quite difficult for him to understand why Jungkook needs to follow him and come with him every time! And Taehyung is not a kid anymore. He is a 12 years old Boy. He is still a cute fluff ball. Then Taehyung notices one thing is that he is still a somewhat chubby boy. That is why his kookie thinks he can not protect himself from the pickpockets and thieves.

Well, this is clearly an insult to him! Most of his classmates are slim or you can say thin compared to him which he is very ashamed of. But one thing he always notices is that nobody ever bullied him or you can say has not gotten that opportunity because a certain muscular bunny always stays beside him! He is not complaining though, He loves to stay with Kookie always. He feels protected and loved. It is Taehyung himself who sulks whenever the older male is not able to come to the cafeteria during his off period because of his basketball practices and common he is the captain of his school's basketball team after all! And he carries the whole burden of his team in his broad shoulder.

All this year Taehyung notices how his Bunny-like Kookie turns into a huge Muscle monster. He loves the muscles of the elder's. He wishes to build these kinds of muscles for one day. But Jungkook really does not like the idea of Taehyung becoming lean or building any kinds of muscle! He loves to hug his chubby Tae bear while sleeping. And Yes Jungkook still sometimes sleep with his Taehyung. They cuddle each other while sleeping. So as a solution he feeds Taehyung whatever the younger boy desire without any complaints.

Whenever Taehyung's grandparents enter their room without knocking they always find a broad Jungkook spooning Lil Taehyung on their bed. Those elder couples always smile and peck both of their foreheads and bless them to stay forever for the rest of their lives. They hope that whatever they see in Jungkook's eyes while talking to Lil Tae remains forever. They are also scared of the fact that nobody from this society will accept this affection and relationship but still they bless these babies.

And Yes if you are curious about the thing of Taehyungs grandparents knowing about same-sex couples then let me tell you clearly that yes They approved of this relationship. They are not some old homophobic couple we see in cliché movies. They are very supportive of homosexual relationships, as their 2nd child and Taehyung's uncle is settled with his husband in Japan! Society and their relatives may not accept this and who really wants their approval when their parents aka Taehyungs grandparents literally bought them an apartment in Tokyo as a marriage gift and blessing. So the readers can assume that Taehyungs family is very much supportive of same-sex couples!

Whenever Taehyung's parents visit Daegu from Seoul they always brought five gifts along with them. Two for the elder couples, Two for the Kim siblings And one for the notorious Jeon. The Kim Family consider Jungkook as their family. They all can agree on one point The heir of Jeon is head over heels for their youngest child. They know Besides Namjoon, Jungkook is very much capable to take care of their Lil bean.


"Why that little brat is coming again."

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