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Blazes POV:

It took me a few moments to process the words that had just left my fathers mouth..

Did he really just say that or is this some sort of sick nightmare..

I bite my tounge to make sure this is real. It's real.
A sharp pain enters my stomach. I feel as if I am about to be sick.
The walls seem to be getting closer to me. The room is becoming smaller. I'm at lost for words, a loss for feelings. I need to get out. Out of here.

"Excuse me."
I say, leaving the room causing everyone some sort of shocked expression.

My legs are weak I can't feel them, I don't even know what's holding me up anymore, my legs feel numb, the only thing I can think about is Avery.

I rush to my car.
I collapse into the drivers seat and slam the door shut.

I sit, silently, without any movement.
I sit still for a few many minutes.
I refuse to understand what was going through his mind. Is he really setting me up for an arranged marriage. When he knows we'll that I am crazy in love with the love of my life.

It starts raining, strong. I can barely see. I don't know if that's because of my blurry vision from my teary eyes or from the rain dashing to the car windows.

I start the engine. I speed around town a few times, trying to relax myself before I get back home.

How will I tell Avery. How. This will completely ruin her.
I won't.
She won't need to know.
I wont marry naveah anyways, there's no way that I would.
I'm not leaving Avery. Every.
She will not know, she will never know.

She deserves everything in the world.

Finally I get home, I wipe the dissatisfied look off of my face, trying to seem normal for her.

I open the doors and Avery comes rushing back down,
"Ughhhh, finally, that took u a while"
She said while her hands slithered around my waist
"Sorry, there was some sort of complications"
I said as I hugged her back 

"Come on, I need to show you something, I found the perfect pair of ear rings and I need your opinion on them"
She said as she clung to my hand and pulled me to the lounge and sat on the sofa with me

She pulled out her iPad and showed me an image of some sort of gold and green earrings

"Look, they are perfect, they are gold too, it's malachite with a gold star on top of it, isn't it soo nice"
She said with a smug look

She always suited gold, along with green, she always looked great in her silk green dress

"It's perfect, would you like me to buy them for u"
I said and she frowned

"No, I've got the money myself, I just wanted your opinion"
She said as I chuckled

"Fine, but I'm still gonna get you something"
I said as she rolled her eyes at me with a light smirk 

How will I ever forget that face.
I can't even imagine not seeing her again, not making her laugh again, smile again, she's just everything I've ever needed. She completes me.

"Ordered them!!!" She said jumping around
"They are perfect" She exclaimed

"Mhm they are"I agreed

"Would you like to go out today for dinner"
I asked as she sat back down and pecked my lips

"The day I say no to that is the day I stop loving you, which will be never"
She said as she kissed me once more

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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