4) Is hypocrisy your middle name?

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Lila pulls me into an empty classroom. She looks pissed, and i hold in a sigh, because i think I know why.

"What was that?", she pratically spits."I told you to stop saying that to her.", she says venemously. 

Whoop dee dang do, I was right.

"Why should you decide what I can and can't say to one of my best friends?", I shoot right back. God, i was so sick of her jealousy game. I have told her time and time again how important me and Bridge's Forever and Always were, but she never listens.

She never fucking listens to me anymore. Not since July. Mabye one month is all it took for her to show her true colors.

"You know why it's important.", I say, trying to keep my calm. It was the first day of school, for goodness sake. I didn't need this bad energy.

"Don't give me that sob story again." Lila says, her tone dripping with poison.

I feel my jaw clench. It was not some sob story. It was way more than that. But I guess Lila was too busy in her Lila world to notice.

Before I could say anything though, her phone buzzes. She checks it, and a smile appears on her face.

"Who was that?", I ask.

I bet a billion dollars it's one of her boy soccer friends.

" It was Mario", she responds, still smiling at her phone.  

"How do you know him?", I ask.

"From soccer.", she says, still not looking up from her phone.

Bingo. Guess i'm rich.

"What did he say?", I ask.

"Nothing", she responds quickly.

I am so sick of her hypocrisy. I'm not allowed to tell my best friend a phrase that means everything to the both of us, but she is allowed to text a million soccer friends a day, and she wont even tell me what they say. 

She has checked my phone to see texts between me and Bridge (so she can check if anything is going on between us), but if I do the same? I am invading her privacy.

The bell rings for homeroom before I can say anything.

She tries to kiss my lips, but I turn my head and she gets my cheek. 

"Don't be like that Zavier.", she says. When I don't reply, she sighs like I'm being difficult, and walks out of the classroom.

I close my eyes, and take a deep breath in, then I let it out. My hands unclench, and i feel slightly calmer. I need to get to homeroom.


In class, I'm absent-mindedly drawing at my desk. I love drawing. Too bad the school doesn't offer art class in the first semester, or else I would definitely be taking it. Bridgette is always telling me that if basketball doesn't work out I should definitely consider being an artist. Maybe, it could be fun.

Speaking of Bridgette, I feel her presence beside me.

I look over, and sure enough, there she is, peering at my sketchbook.

Her eyes, sometimes gray,  other times green inspect it, then her face splits into a wide grin.

"Zavi, I love it!", she exclaims

I smile slightly at her favourite nickname for me, and then I look down to my drawing.

To my surprise I see a detailed drawing of Bridgette in my notebook. I didn't even realize I was drawing her. 

Too bad I don't have any coloured pencils or else I could have added the green that presently lives in her eyes.

"Glad you like it", I say. she grins again, her dimple showing in her cheek. But before she can say anything, our homeroom teacher Mr Lind, Walks in, and she turns to pay attention.

My mind wanders over to Lila. The Lila Fullerton  is my girlfriend yet I'm not really happy. 

Dating her isn't all it's cracked up to be. The first month, June, was the best. But then, I guess she started to show her true colors, because I began to notice stuff. Like how she didn't like it when me and Bridge did anything together.

Even talk. 

Yet she was always texting a different soccer boy, usually one I don't know, and I was supposed to be okay with it.

Whenever I mention it though she waves me off. She'll say they're all just friends.

Why can't I get the same freedom?

And she hates it when me and Bridge exchange our "forever and always" with each other. I wince slightly, as I ever called the mornings earlier events.

She thinks... I don't even know what she thinks. But she gets nappy whenever she hears it. I remember all the times I've tried to explain it to her, but she never listens. Calls it a sob story.

But it's way more than that. I still remember the day like it was yesterday

The day Bridgette's dad left.


So that was chapter 4! 

I hope you guys enjoyed it!

I decided that we had heard a lot of Bridgette's point of view. So why not hear Xavier's. I hope you guys enjoy him as a character.


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