8) Annoying is her whole personality

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I try and failed to hold in my groan.

It's quiet enough that Bridge hears it, But unfortunately Iris does too.

I see a flicker of annoyance on her face but as soon as it comes it's gone.

Marcus smiles up at her but the dimples that were there before are gone.

"So," Iris says, when none of us start conversation."what are you and Abby be doing". "I was helping her with Spanish homework." Marcus replies. "On the first day?" Iris asks him in disbelief.

"Yep" they both say, then smile at each other. Iris is pissed. You can see it on her face. She sits down forcefully in the small gap, in between Abby and Marcus, practically shoving Abby out of the way. She then turns to Marcus with a sweet smile hiding Abby from his view.

Me and Bridge look at this all in shock. Abby looks pissed. I feel pissed. Bridge is the best out of all of us in controlling her facial expressions. But I've known her long enough and well enough to see her emotions.

So even though her face was expressionless, I could tell she was mad by the way she shoved her hands into her pocket where they curled into fists. Bridge goes and sits beside Abby and they start to whisper furiously between them. These two are really good at whispering.

Iris could tell they were whispering. You could tell by the way she was trying to lean back to hear. But even though the two groups are close, she couldn't hear them. Abruptly, Abby and Bridgette stand up. "Where you guys going?", Marcus asks, looking up.

Bridge looks at Abby who simply stares back. They've been eye talkers since first grade, but me and Bridget are better. I feel proud of that fact as a warm feeling fills my stomach. But Bridge and Abby are good at it too.

After a few seconds Bidge turns to Marcus. "Abby is helping me with math homework.", she says. "But Abby," he turns to her. "I thought we were doing Spanish and besides we didn't even get math homework" he points out.

I see Bridges eyes widen and slightly in an oh crap expression. "I mean English.", she says."I just have math on the brain from what happened this morning.", she explains.

I smile. Abby was amazing this morning. She really showed the teacher up. "What happened this morning?", Iris asks. Marcus is looking up at Abby with a deep thought expression on his face so he doesn't answer her. Abby stirs right back. Me and Bridgette didn't even want her there in the first place so we don't answer her either.

Iris Huffs at being ignored. Marcus stares for second more than turns towards her. "She proved the math teacher wrong". he replies to her earlier question.

"Oh.", Iris says, rolling her eyes when Marcus looks back up at Abby. She doesn't get it. Abby looks at Bridge and Bridge clears her throat. She's cute when she does that. Wait what did I just think? I'm so busy thinking about this that I don't hear what Bridge says.

"What?", I say. "We're going to go n-", She starts to say, but before she can finish, I hear a loud squeal. I almost fall when I feel arms wrap around me and circle my waist in a hug tackle.

I look down to see Lila. "hi Z!", She says. I internally wince. I despise that nickname with a passion. But she insists on calling me that. I've asked her multiple times not to, but it falls on deaf ears.

Why can't she call me zavi, like my friends? I asked about that once. "That's what she calls you.", She had said.I didn't need to ask who she was. First she has a name and it's Bridgette", I responded "Second", I continued, "Abby and Marcus call me Zavi too It's not just Bridge" "Yeah, well", she had said, "Bridgette calls you that the most and she gave you that nickname. I want to call you something I came up with." she had whined. 

Why she hated Bridgette so much was a mystery to me.

"Hey Laila." I say. "Hey Bridgette, Abigail, Marcus" She says, in a bored tone. They nod at her. "IRIS!" she squeals. LAILA!" she squeals back. Iris gets up to hug Lila.

Iris sits back down even closer to Marcus than before. Laila attaches herself back to my arm. I think she's cutting off my circulation. 

I sigh. 

I just want to go home. For once, I don't have basketball practice after school and I want to go home and relax.

Seems like that's not happening anytime soon.


Hey guys, the newest chapter in a while. I hope you all enjoy 


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