Chapter 10) All is forgiven

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When me and Abby were walking to her house, She finally let her tears loose. I could tell she had wanted to inside the school, But she wouldn't want anyone to see her crying.

But we were best friends. We've been through a lot of crap together.

When my dad had an episode and Zavier's family was on vacation? Abby's mom came to pick me up.

for lots of people, When they have parent issues And they go to a best friend's house, They feel like those parents are their second mom or dad. Well it's not the case for me or Abby.

Her dad is what her mom calls a free spirit. I just call him unreliable.

He disappears a lot.

For weeks.


Then he'll come back say he's changed.

Then he'll leave again in a month or two. He's actually really charming and funny, and he'll gain your trust, make you think it was actually the last time he'll leave. Then he'll do it again.

Abby's mom says he likes to pretend he doesn't have any responsibilities for a while. I bet every parent wishes they could do that. But they don't actually do it. Because they care about their kids.

So her dad just selfish.

Abby kind of lost hope years ago. But her mom still hold on to it, and doesn't have the heart to change the locks. So when he visits, Abby is at our house a lot.

Point is, we've cried out of pure frustration about our dads over the years. From all that, I know that it's best to let Abby cry, then comfort her. Doing it while she is crying makes her feel smothered and trapped.

So she cries.

We walk.

And I let her get it out


I wake up on Abby's bed.

Our pinkies are linked together just like how we fell asleep. I ended up staying last night. Abby has calmed down.

She could never stay mad for long, especially when it came to Marcus. So soon enough, she was back to her bouncy happy self.

She turns around and looks at me. We smile at each other.

"Good morning.", She whispers.

"EWWWW! Morning breath!", I squeal, hitting her with a pillow." Yeah your smells like flowers.", she retorts sarcastically, hitting me back. So that's how we start the morning. With a pillow fight.

I'm happy she's happy


I'm wearing a blue shorts and a sparkly white top from my clothes stash at Abby's house. We're over at each other's houses a lot, so we've brought over some of our clothes to each other's houses, in the cases we didn't stop at home first.

It's a shame we didn't because I realized that I forgotten my charger at home, so my phone is dead. Abby's mom was at work and Abby broke her charger a few months back, so I can't use any of theirs. But it's fine because my backup is in my locker.

We are walking to Marcus's house. Marcus lives 5 minutes away from school like Abby, but in the other direction. Yesterday her mom drove her to school since it was the first da,y but otherwise she walks to the his house so they can walk together. For Marcus being so smart academically, he sure is dumb when it comes to girls If he thinks Abby does this purely out of friendship.

We get to his house and Marcus bursts out of the door before we even start up his driveway. I think he was watching for Abby out of his window.

As if Abby wouldn't come.

No matter what, she comes, so she and Marcus can walk. Once Marcus had told Iris about Abby's dad. He'd come back and Abby was snappy with everyone. Iris had asked what Her deal was.

After some begging, Marcus told her. Only Zavier, Marcus and I knew about Abby's dad. She didn't want Iris, of all people knowing.

She had been pissed.

She didn't talk to him for 2 days. That's the longest Abby had ignored Marcus ever. But for those two days, she still walked to his house. She didn't talk to him but she came.

After day two, Marcus got on his knees and begged for forgiveness. After giving her his best puppy eyes, she had forgiven him.

Marcus had threatened Iris telling her that if she ever told anyone about Abby's dad, he would never talk to her again. So no one else but Iris knows.

When he reaches us, he throws his arms around her and hugs her tightly.

"I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you mad", he says, the words rushing out of his mouth. Abby laughs and and hugs him back. "It's fine", she says ruffling his hair.

Marcus hates when people touch his hair. Not even Zavier or I touch it. Only Abby can, without him getting annoyed. It was so funny when Iris tried. He was pissed. It was so hard to keep the laughter in.

They walk ahead and I hum to myself. I reach into my pockets to put my ear pods in, but then I remember, my phone is dead.

I make a mental note to get Abby another charger for her birthday.

Soon we get to school. Abby and Marcus are officially normal again.

Suddenly I'm being turned around. A very frazzled Zavier is looking at me.

"Where were you yesterday and this morning?", he demands.  


Hey guys! Here is chapter 10! I hope you are all enjoying the book so far 



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