Phase17. A manuscript of a mole *M*

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From a distance, outside of the building where the wedding was ongoing, the image of a young person covered in black like any guest stood hating the entire session. Was it worth the struggle for survival? Exceeding peace that nobody recall the sudden dismissal was his beneficiary abode. The crucifix that hanged above their heads. He had seen it happen before, somewhere in the fields of a church situated on the hilly tops at the outskirts.


It was the first Saturday of the year, his mother was going to see the priest. Why she did so? Jungkook had no idea. The woman dragged him while hiding and sneaking out of the mansion. She was carrying a baby yet did not care the least about the outcome of her actions. "I don't like this Ma." Jungkook voiced out. She stopped walking and knelt before him.

"My son, nobody would take care of us if I don't do this. I won't wait for you to choose sides. You're coming with me before the Jeon family does." She replied picking the boy in his arms and running as fast as she could. "Father!!" The woman cried in pain as soon as she arrived at the church. "What happened??" The priest questioned worriedly.

"Oh my baby! My son! They're both in trouble!" She cried. "Please take him in your orphanage home! I am dying slowly and I fear the consequences of my death!" She cried. They heard terrible gunshots, Her eyes widened with shock and trembling fear embraced her. She stretched her hand to cover Jungkook's eyes. "My little prince, go under that alter..." She paused. "No, go to the sacristy and hide." She whispered in his ears and let him go.

Jungkook was running when he heard the first gunshot accompanied with a loud scream from the priest. He went limbed, trembling terribly as he made his way to the sacristy. He hid under the table waiting for his mother to make an appearance.....

End of flashback.

The figure picked the lighter and his cigarette and set it aflame. Inhaling the flavored smoke that seeped out of the substance. "She was Mr Jeon's mistress." Inyang told the figure. "I know. Everybody wanted her dead." The figure tsk. "She forced her way to be the wife and that's why they wanted her gone. You sound like she was a good person." Inyang replied. The figure directed the cigarette to his lips but stopped at Inyang's words.

"Don't go about spewing bullshit of this sort." The figure replied. "All she wanted was a life outside of prostitution." The figure said. "That does not justify anything. She still killed his wife to be the main wife." Inyang replied. "And that's what will happen to Jimin if you keep messing up with my plans!!!" The figure yelled turning to face Inyang who didn't even flinch.

"I'm sorry. Trust me, Jungkook will change when he's open to heaven." Inyang replied. "Heaven? The one you're refusing to share because of that fricking old shit you worked for some years ago? You think that man even remembers where his kids are? What's happening to Jimin?!" The figure shouted. "I'm leaving.." The figure announced and walked away......

Yoongi sighed deeply when the marriage forms were signed. "Shit is about to go down." Yoongi said. NamJoon smirked. "You talk like Jungkook is going to chop him into pieces." NamJoon laughed. Yoongi smiled sadly, "I would wish that for him than all the emotional, physical, psychological torture Jungkook is going to put him through." Yoongi replied. "The discipline doesn't kill them, it teaches them to respect and not overly sensitive about anything outside of their range." NamJoon replied.

"Look at Jin." Yoongi called staring at where Jin was seated. All by himself, never allowing an audience with anyone. "He's dead inside, he doesn't regard life as worthy as he thought before. If he had his way, he'd never want to go back to that day when he accepted to help his friend out. Yet he's not ready to die, at least not yet." Yoongi said but NamJoon was gone before he could finish his words.

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