Phase33. No one like you.

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"Here..." The woman pushed a bowl of soup noodles before little Jungkook. "Thank you momma.." Jungkook said with a bright smile. Siwon drew closer to him and fixed a napkin on his shirt. "You will stain your shirt so keep this here." She said before returning to her seat. Jungkook slurped his first mouthful of the noodles. "Is it tasty?" Siwon questioned with a broad smile and continuously watched the boy nod excitedly.

"Finish it then I made it for you.." Siwon said feeding on her dried vegetables as a result of her health condition. "Momma taste my soup it's so good!!" Jungkook said cheerfully. "Really?!" Siwon squealed drawing closer from her side of the table to receive the spoonful Jungkook was offering. It did not take them long until Seyoung made his way to the kitchen with Sowol behind him. Siwon immediately stood up suddenly feeling a rush of fear in her spine.

"I only offered to make him noodles because he was hungry." She said almost in defense. "Siwon Eonni, I don't think you're in any position with your sick self to be making poison for anybody." Sowol replied but Siwon only looked back at Jungkook who had suddenly stopped eating. Siwon took a deep breath. "You're scaring the little boy. It's just noodles." Siwon said to Seyoung. "Your noodles will get soggy, finish your food and Siwon come to my office!" Seyoung said before leaving.

Sowol immediately went to Jungkook's side. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly scanning his face thoroughly. Siwon glanced at them before following Seyoung. "Mummy, she makes the best meals." Jungkook said innocently. "That's because she wants to use that to get rid of you. Nobody in this house loves you apart from me and that's why I'm so scared of something bad happening to you." Sowol said wiping the tears that had fallen from her eyes. She hugged him so close to her body....
Flashback ends...

"Sir! Mr Jeon Jungkook has arrived!!" Seyoung heard that loud and clear enough. "Let him in." He replied and not long afterwards Jungkook stepped in to meet his father. He barely came home and the only time he did, his purpose were clearly indicated. Jungkook only visited home to celebrate the death anniversary of his two mothers most especially his biological mother. Jungkook knelt and bowed like custom demanded.

He burnt the scented incense and placed two of the sticks in an open jar before bowing again. Instead of fruits, Jungkook usually presented flowers and that explains the name he gave to his company. The flowers were embedded in his peaceful moments, those moments before he sold himself to the world. Jungkook walked out right afterwards....
Time skip.....
"I heard Jimin is becoming lively and that's as a results of a change you've recently done." Seyoung began. "I have no idea where that is coming from but I could understand where you're coming from." Jungkook replied with a wry smile. "I'm genuinely concerned about you." Seyoung said worriedly. "How could you say that without feeling any form of guilt?" Jungkook was honestly shocked. "Jungkook, I gave you the name Jungkook and I loved you sincerely because you're my son and not because your mother got pregnant." Seyoung said before Jungkook could even voice it out.

Jungkook shook his head drawing kore closer to his father. "No... You suddenly felt the need for attraction when she got pregnant and that is why you foolishly supported anything she did to Momma afterwards!!!" Jungkook retorted which made Seyoung swallow hard at his words. "It would've been so nice of you if you made Siwon understand that you don't love her but cheating on her with her friend and bringing a hooker home was so much disrespectful!!"

Jungkook said angrily. "I did not disrespect her Jungkook, of course I admit I did a lot of bad things but I did not disrespect her.." Seyoung replied. "What did you do then?!! Did her a favor by bringing a hooker home since she couldn't satisfy your sexual needs?!" Jungkook fired. "Jungkook!!!... I've tolerated you enough!" Seyoung replied feeling the sudden rush of pain. Jungkook burst out laughing sarcastically.

Who killed Jimin? || Jikook Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora